White Teeth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

White Teeth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is it that Neena believes will improve relationships?
(a) Having children.
(b) Time apart.
(c) More time alone.
(d) Talking.

2. What is Alsana holding as she cries?
(a) A radio.
(b) A photo album.
(c) A cat.
(d) Magid's plane ticket.

3. What does Poppy give to Samad while they are sitting on the bench?
(a) A toothbrush.
(b) Chocolates.
(c) Pajamas.
(d) A book.

4. Where does Samad find the book by A.S. Misra?
(a) In a college library.
(b) A garage sale.
(c) His cousin's home.
(d) A used book store.

5. What is Clara Bowden's one imperfection?
(a) She has a large birthmark on her arm.
(b) Her hair has gone prematurely gray.
(c) She has no upper teeth.
(d) She has a squeaky, irritating voice.

6. What are Magid and Irie wearing the morning Samad drives them to school?
(a) All green clothes.
(b) Their pajamas.
(c) A suit for Magid and a dress for Irie.
(d) Black clothes with white armbands.

7. What do the village children want from Archie?
(a) Playing cards.
(b) Candy.
(c) Money.
(d) Bubblegum.

8. How does Poppy describe the way Magid dresses?
(a) Stylish.
(b) Colorful.
(c) Rumpled.
(d) Severe.

9. What is Magid concerned about when Samad tells him he is going on a trip?
(a) Being afraid of flying.
(b) Getting to see the results of his photosynthesis experiment.
(c) Not saying goodbye to his mother.
(d) Missing an orchestra concert.

10. What does "Satyagraha" mean?
(a) "Truth and firmness."
(b) "The solution."
(c) "Civil disobedience."
(d) "Goodbye."

11. What does Samad do right after his fight with Alsana?
(a) He takes a shower.
(b) He cancels Magid's trip.
(c) He ends his affair with Poppy.
(d) He goes to see Poppy.

12. What word does Neena use that shocks Alsana?
(a) Sterilization.
(b) Conception.
(c) Circumcision.
(d) Abortion.

13. Which of these things is not burned in the Iqbals' yard?
(a) Air Max sneakers.
(b) Millat's baseball cap.
(c) "The Catcher in the Rye."
(d) "The Godfather" movie.

14. How long did Alsana know Samad before they married?
(a) One year.
(b) One day.
(c) One month.
(d) One week.

15. What major event have Archie and Samad missed?
(a) The end of the war.
(b) The fall of Bulgaia to the Germans.
(c) The bombing of Pearl Harbor.
(d) Christmas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Jones and Iqbal families watch on November 10, 1989?

2. What is Samad's position?

3. Where did Samad and Archie meet?

4. For what does Samad trade masturbation on New Year's Day 1980?

5. What is Mr. J.P. Hamilton's biggest health problem?

(see the answer keys)

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