The White Hotel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The White Hotel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does a watchmaker point out?
(a) The lake is turning red.
(b) The snow/stars are melting.
(c) The elm trees' leaves have all turned red.
(d) The clocks have all stopped.

2. What are falling in the form of snow?
(a) The birds.
(b) The stars.
(c) The clouds.
(d) The moons.

3. What do the fictional letters between Sigmund Freud, his colleagues, and their friends contain?
(a) Love poems between Freud and his mistress.
(b) Suggestions for new therapy techniques.
(c) Accounts of the day Freud spends with the composer Gustav Mahler.
(d) Unusual psychosexual writings of one of Freud's young patients.

4. On what does the woman originally write her fantasy?
(a) A bed sheet.
(b) A journal.
(c) A napkin.
(d) A score of "Don Giovanni."

5. To whom does Freud give the young woman's writings?
(a) The woman's father.
(b) Ferenczi.
(c) Sachs.
(d) His daughter.

6. Freud immediately relates what two disasters in the woman's life to her hallucinations?
(a) Her entrapment in a burning building, and a terrible storm that flooded her home.
(b) An automobile fire that traps her sister, and a terrible storm when she is at sea.
(c) A fire that kills her black cat, and a terrible storm that leaves her stranded in her home.
(d) Her mother dying in a fire, and the maid telling her about her mother's death on the night of a terrible storm.

7. What can the young man not stop doing?
(a) Touching the young woman.
(b) Eating.
(c) Watching the hotel guests dive out of the windows.
(d) Talking about his father.

8. Though "The Gastein Journal" is written in third-person prose rather than first-person poetry, it tells essentially the same story as what?
(a) "Rigoletto."
(b) "La Boheme."
(c) "Don Giovanni."
(d) "Madame Butterfly."

9. What does Lionheart say about the hotel?
(a) It is possessed and everyone should leave.
(b) The things happening at the hotel are common.
(c) It is the best hotel he has ever vacationed.
(d) The things happening at the hotel are not so common.

10. What does the woman dream she is?
(a) A warrior princess.
(b) A figurehead on a ship, the "Magdalen."
(c) A ghost.
(d) The wife of the man.

11. From the mountain the man points out what he believes to be what?
(a) Parachutists.
(b) Mountain climbers.
(c) Planes.
(d) Birds.

12. What does the Lutheran pastor say he saw flying through the trees?
(a) A melting clock.
(b) A breast.
(c) A bird.
(d) Ants.

13. Over what does a botanist mourn?
(a) His beautiful orchids.
(b) His unusual daisies.
(c) His dangerous poison ivy.
(d) His rare specimen of edelweiss.

14. Why is the woman at the beginning of the chapter running through the forest?
(a) From unknown pursuers.
(b) She is chasing an animal.
(c) She is late to the party.
(d) Toward a clearing.

15. What does the woman use to reveal her character?
(a) Descriptive words.
(b) Metaphors and similes.
(c) Symbolism.
(d) Poetic devices.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do the man and woman take a walk?

2. What does the woman begin to do after being at the hotel for several days?

3. Who does the woman say dies while they are at the hotel?

4. What rumor does a retired couple pass on?

5. When the woman wakes up in the hotel room, why is she relieved?

(see the answer keys)

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