Where the Dead Sit Talking Test | Final Test - Easy

Brandon Hobson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Dead Sit Talking Test | Final Test - Easy

Brandon Hobson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rosemary look for in the shed after she returns to the Troutt's?
(a) Her sketchbooks of nude models.
(b) Agnes' prescription meds.
(c) Money under the floorboards.
(d) Notebooks filled with betting information.

2. Whose car does Sequoyah get into after he walks downtown in the rain to find Rosemary?
(a) Liz's.
(b) Harold's.
(c) Nora's.
(d) Jack's.

3. What is George afraid of when he learns to drive?
(a) That the car will go over a cliff.
(b) That the gas pedal will stick.
(c) That the traffic lights will quit working when he's driving.
(d) That the stress will cause him to swerve into oncoming traffic.

4. What does Sequoyah imagine (on page 183) that Harold would say about him?
(a) "I always wanted a son like him."
(b) "He was one of my favorite foster children."
(c) "He was a good boy with a good mind."
(d) "I knew he had problems, but I did not know they were this bad."

5. What do Rosemary and Sequoyah go to Harold's desk to get?
(a) Money.
(b) Weed.
(c) Poker chips.
(d) Art supplies.

6. The night after the court hearing, what does Sequoyah go outside in the night to do?
(a) Walk to the Seven Eleven store.
(b) Shoot night birds.
(c) Swing on the swingset.
(d) Smoke weed.

7. What happened to Harold's dad?
(a) He was murdered.
(b) He ran away when Harold was a baby.
(c) He was shot in a bank robbery.
(d) He died in a car accident.

8. After traveling to Rosemary's secret place, what question does she ask Sequoyah when they return home to the Troutt's?
(a) She asks Sequoyah if he will help her steal some money.
(b) She asks Sequoyah if he will go on a date with her.
(c) She asks Sequoyah if he would ever spy on her.
(d) She asks Sequoyah if he would consider dropping out of school.

9. What sentiment does Sequoyah's mother repeat twice when he sees her before the hearing (on page 209)?
(a) "I love you."
(b) "You held me back."
(c) "I'm so sorry for what I've done to you."
(d) "You won't come see me."

10. What games do George and Sequoyah play together?
(a) Monopoly.
(b) Shoot the intruder.
(c) Cowboys and Indians.
(d) Dungeons and Dragons.

11. What does Harold say is his hobby?
(a) He is an avid fisherman.
(b) He is a furniture refinisher.
(c) He is a stamp collector.
(d) He is a sports buff.

12. What food does Rosemary put into a bag one Saturday morning when she asks Sequoyah to come with her?
(a) Bags of potato chips and containers of dip.
(b) Jars of peanut butter and loaves of bread.
(c) Ham sandwiches and dill pickles.
(d) Milky Way candy bars and apples.

13. What were Rosemary's last words?
(a) "I can't stand you."
(b) "I think you're ugly."
(c) "You are stupid."
(d) "You never listen."

14. What does Sequoyah feel he needs to do for Agnes after Rosemary dies?
(a) He needs to help her.
(b) He needs to steal from her.
(c) He needs to protect her.
(d) He needs to insult her.

15. What does Rosemary ask Sequoyah to do in the creek at her secret place?
(a) She asks Sequoyah to pee in the water.
(b) She asks Sequoyah to catch snakes.
(c) She asks Sequoyah to go fishing.
(d) She asks Sequoyah to go skinny-dipping.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Harold going to build?

2. What had the elderly man who had fallen done when he was young and healthy?

3. What behavior does Sequoyah imagine Rosemary doing?

4. What color is the lipstick Rosemary is wearing the night she asks Sequoyah to take action on the dog?

5. What item does Sequoyah stab to shreds at the end of Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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