When Nietzsche Wept Test | Final Test - Easy

Irvin D. Yalom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Nietzsche Wept Test | Final Test - Easy

Irvin D. Yalom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Breuer sees Nietzsche after his attack, how does Breuer believe he feels about helping Nietzsche?
(a) Obsessed.
(b) Eager.
(c) Completed.
(d) Irritated.

2. As Breuer dismisses Nietzsche's final argument against treatment, what does Breuer ask Nietzsche about his treatment?
(a) Why can't he follow simple directions to get better?
(b) How does he expect to get better if he won't take the medicine a doctor tries to give him?
(c) Why did he come for treatment if he is not willing to listen to the physician's advice?
(d) Does he really want to get better?

3. Why does Breuer plan only to treat Nietzsche's body?
(a) He believes his only true ailments are physical.
(b) He knows Nietzsche will only allow him to treat his body.
(c) He is only concerned with his body.
(d) He doesn't have the background or knowledge to treat his mind.

4. On his way home, Breuer meets Freud at the pastry shop and explains what situation to Freud?
(a) When he is going to visit Bertha.
(b) What Mathilde's latest antics are.
(c) Why he is leaving his job.
(d) How he and Nietzsche will be treating each other.

5. According to Nietzsche, at whose expense is Breuer helping him?
(a) Mathilde.
(b) Breuer.
(c) Nietzsche.
(d) His children.

6. When Nietzsche arrives to hear the answers for his three questions, what does Breuer tell him about his migraines?
(a) Mental problems lead to migraines.
(b) All writers get them.
(c) He can prescribe medicine for migraines.
(d) His migraines should become less severe as he ages.

7. What plan does Breuer propose to Nietzsche on the Monday morning following Nietzsche's illness?
(a) For Nietzsche to record his events for his next book.
(b) For the men to part ways.
(c) For both men to undergo the same treatment.
(d) For the men to treat each other.

8. When Nietzsche arrives to hear the answers for his three questions, what does Breuer tell him about blindness?
(a) Migraines do not lead to blindness.
(b) Surgery prevents blindness.
(c) Research shows migraines contribute to blindness.
(d) It is genetic.

9. How did Breuer choose his life goals?
(a) He researched all possibilities.
(b) He made lists to organize ideas.
(c) His parents gave him goals.
(d) He never made a conscious choice about them.

10. In Nietzsche's letter to Peter Gast, how does he write about Lou Salome?
(a) In an apathetic manner.
(b) In a disparaging way.
(c) In a sorrowful way.
(d) In a loving manner.

11. What does Nietzsche accuse Breuer of being after Nietzsche refuses the treatment plan Breuer designed for him?
(a) He is prideful and arrogant.
(b) He is unknowledgeable and pushy.
(c) He is wrong and stubborn.
(d) He is cruel and unkind.

12. What does Nietzsche want to do for Breuer during their sessions?
(a) To grant him forgiveness.
(b) To elevate Breuer's thoughts and perspective.
(c) To stop his gambling.
(d) To clear his mind from cheating.

13. After the second session, what does Lou give Breuer?
(a) Letters from Nietzsche.
(b) Money.
(c) More of Nietzsche's books.
(d) Food.

14. When Nietzsche arrives to hear the answers for his three questions, what does Breuer tell him about brain disease?
(a) The chances are likely he will devlop brain disease.
(b) Little research is done on brain disease.
(c) His family history suggests brain disease.
(d) There is no evidence that he has a progressive brain disease.

15. What does Max suggest Breuer do with Nietzsche?
(a) Allow Nietzsche to lead his own therapy.
(b) Take Nietzsche to the park.
(c) Learn something from Nietzsche.
(d) Put Freud in charge of Nietzsche's case.

Short Answer Questions

1. The morning after Nietzsche reads a letter from Elisabeth, what does Mathilde express as a concern with Josef's professional life?

2. As Breuer dismisses Nietzsche's final argument against treatment, what does Nietzsche prepare to do?

3. What doe Breuer tell Nietzsche that someone called him when he was a boy?

4. At the start of their second session, what does Breuer want to do concerning Nietzsche's treatment?

5. How does Nietzsche try to get Breuer to attack Bertha?

(see the answer keys)

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