What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Medium

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Medium

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Leonel tell Forche about her purse when they visit the colonia on page 177?
(a) To hide a camera in her purse.
(b) To hide a tape recorder in her purse.
(c) To hide her purse in the bathroom.
(d) To keep her purse with her at all times no matter what.

2. Which of the following did poet Pablo Neruda write about El Salvador?
(a) The nuns are at great risk.
(b) The blood of dead peasants has not dried.
(c) The country is not yet ready to heal.
(d) The stench of death is always in the air.

3. Who guards the front entrance of the U.S. embassy in El Salvador?
(a) One Navy cadet.
(b) Two Air Force cadets.
(c) One dozen El Salvador military personnel.
(d) Two U.S. Marines in dress blues.

4. Why does Leonel tell Forche not to drink the water at Fina's?
(a) It is too hot.
(b) It is too chlorinated.
(c) It is too cold.
(d) It could be contaminated.

5. Who does Leonel tell Forche are some of the prisoners at Ahuachapan?
(a) Workers.
(b) Political prisoners.
(c) Academics.
(d) Poets.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Leonel tell Forcche the letters RDX stand for?

2. What does Margarita tell Forche to do if she is ever in trouble?

3. What does Leonel ask the people farming his land to do in an effort to help them become more self-sufficient?

4. Where does Leonel stay for part of the time he spends in the United States on page 237?

5. What does Leonel ask Greg, the American engineer in Guatemala, to do for them?

Short Essay Questions

1. In San Salvador, what did a white handprint on a door or wall signify?

2. What does seeing Leonel with a mysterious woman seem to make Forche realize about her feelings for him?

3. What does Forche buy in large amounts in the discount store Gemco to take back to El Salvador with her?

4. Why do the women near Nabaj give Leonel their intricate weavings to take with him?

5. What changes Forche's feelings about meeting with the Salvadoran writers immediately after her horrific visit to Ahuachapan?

6. What recurring nightmare does Forche have as a child that she is reminded of again in El Salvador?

7. What does Leonel tell Forche the Salvadorans did with the portable toilets the Americans tried to set up for them?

8. What does Forche think about Leonel's apparent obsession with Donald Richardson?

9. What does Leonel tell Forche about Colonel Chacon?

10. What does Leonel ask the engineer for on page 210 that the engineer, Greg, thinks is outlandish?

(see the answer keys)

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