What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Medium

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Medium

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who visits Fina's village under cloak of darkness while Forche is there?
(a) Oscar Romero.
(b) A young Catholic priest.
(c) A spy with the CIA.
(d) An American soldier.

2. What does Leonel tell her about driving to the poorer neighborhoods during the rainy season?
(a) He only flies in planes during the rainy season instead of driving.
(b) It is impossible to drive, so he has to walk.
(c) He contracts a better driver to take him places.
(d) He needs to use his better car with bigger tires.

3. Why does Leonel tell Forche not to drink the water at Fina's?
(a) It is too hot.
(b) It is too cold.
(c) It is too chlorinated.
(d) It could be contaminated.

4. What were the wars in Argentina and Chile referred to as?
(a) Lost wars.
(b) Wild wars.
(c) Just wars.
(d) Dirty wars.

5. Why does Margarita tell Forche she is safe from harm for the time being on page 276?
(a) Her husband is untouchable, so they will never harm her.
(b) The death squads think she is a man, so they are looking for a man.
(c) Her father will always protect her with his influence and money.
(d) The death squads think she is a nun, so they are mistakenly looking for a nun.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Leonel have a poster of in his own house that Forche recognizes?

2. Why does Leonel like to talk to so many different kinds of people from different classes?

3. Where do Forche and Leonel cross into Guatemala?

4. What does Leonel tell Forche about revolutions?

5. What had Forche failed to do when she returned to El Salvador and things went badly wrong for her three times?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does it mean to hang things on a tree in certain parts of El Salvador?

2. What changes Forche's feelings about meeting with the Salvadoran writers immediately after her horrific visit to Ahuachapan?

3. What does Forche think about Leonel's apparent obsession with Donald Richardson?

4. What happens to Forche and Margarita that shakes Forche to her core and produces great feelings of fear?

5. Why does Leonel reject the idea of Forche pretending she is a nun while in El Salvador?

6. What did Forche come to think about Leonel during her many trips to El Salvador during the 1980s?

7. What does Forche see in the prison Ahuachapan that shakes her to her core?

8. Why is Forche embarrassed when the women in the village she stays in all wash together from a spigot?

9. What happens to Forche that lands her in a Salvadoran hospital and produces hallucinations?

10. What does Forche come to understand about the nature of a person's life when that person joins a death squad?

(see the answer keys)

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