What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Easy

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Easy

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who chases Margarita and Forche one night by car?
(a) Margarita's husband.
(b) Leonel.
(c) Harry Mattison.
(d) A death squad.

2. What does Leonel tell Forche about her purse when they visit the colonia on page 177?
(a) To hide her purse in the bathroom.
(b) To keep her purse with her at all times no matter what.
(c) To hide a tape recorder in her purse.
(d) To hide a camera in her purse.

3. How was General Chacon killed?
(a) He was stabbed by his wife.
(b) He was ambushed by his own military.
(c) He was shot by his own son.
(d) He was poisoned by his mistress.

4. Who does Leonel tell Forche are some of the prisoners at Ahuachapan?
(a) Poets.
(b) Political prisoners.
(c) Workers.
(d) Academics.

5. What idea from Machiavelli tell Forche on page 185?
(a) Many times, people have to die in order for progress to be made.
(b) You need to bury your ego to achieve great things.
(c) Nothing great was ever achieved without danger.
(d) With great power comes great responsibility.

6. What does the religious figure with Forche say they all must do for the person whose abduction they witnessed?
(a) Call his family.
(b) Take a photograph of the van that he was forced into.
(c) Track him.
(d) Pray for him.

7. What does Leonel tell Forche the health programs officer at the U.S. embassy primarily does?
(a) Deliver babies.
(b) Move papers from one side of her desk to the other.
(c) Cover up crimes.
(d) Eat chocolate.

8. When do the death squads do their work?
(a) Early afternoon.
(b) At night.
(c) Any time of day or night.
(d) Early morning.

9. What did Forche know the song Madre was about?
(a) Losing one's mother.
(b) Having a good nanny.
(c) The mining of the waters of Haiphong.
(d) Eating good food.

10. What helps Margarita and Forche get away when they are chased by car on page 279?
(a) Margarita's husband.
(b) Leonel.
(c) Other drivers who see what is happening to them.
(d) Harry Mattison.

11. What was Forche doing the first time she met her husband?
(a) Trying to light a burner on a stove.
(b) Watering plants.
(c) Protesting the war.
(d) Writing at her house.

12. What did Leonel hear about the American ambassador to El Salvador's impressions of Forche?
(a) He heard the ambassador was appalled by Forche.
(b) He heard the ambassador was impressed by Forche.
(c) He heard the ambassador thought Forche's Spanish was terrible.
(d) He heard the ambassador liked Forche's writing.

13. Why is Leonel against Forche going to Aguilares with the nuns?
(a) He does not want Forche going there and misrepresenting him.
(b) He does not want Forche traveling there and endangering the people she meets.
(c) He does not want Forche going there and meeting other men.
(d) He does not want Forche going there and speaking bad Spanish to people.

14. What was the visual warning of the Mano Blanca group?
(a) A severed finger left on a porch.
(b) A red X on a building or wall.
(c) A white handprint on a building or wall.
(d) A lock of hair from a prisoner of theirs taped to a door.

15. How old was Leonel at the time Forche was making all her trips back and forth to El Salvador?
(a) About 37.
(b) About 50.
(c) About 45.
(d) About 25.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Leonel's friend inside the prison advise Forche to take the drink he offers?

2. Which religious figure was with Forche the only time she actually witnessed an abduction?

3. Which of the following friends does Forche experience great danger with in El Salvador?

4. Why does Leonel tell Forche not to drink the water at Fina's?

5. Which French resistance poet does Forche admire?

(see the answer keys)

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