What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth Catte
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth Catte
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The FSA was created in an attempt to combat a particular societal ill by resettling whom?
(a) Impoverished farmers.
(b) Appalachians.
(c) Native Americans.
(d) Unemployed coal miners.

2. Huey Perry was instrumental in "directing community action groups in the poorest parts of" (103) what state?
(a) Alabama.
(b) West Virginia.
(c) Mississippi.
(d) Kentucky.

3. Myles Horton was "a labor and civil rights activist" (98) from what state?
(a) West Virginia.
(b) Kentucky.
(c) Mississippi.
(d) Tennessee.

4. Catte names what "language" as one that Appalachians often "inject into [their] work" (98)?
(a) Emotional intelligence.
(b) Poetic.
(c) Visual literacy.
(d) Music.

5. What adjective does Catte use to describe the action Appalachians took "against corporate interests" (102)?
(a) Ineffective.
(b) Ingenious.
(c) Subversive.
(d) Radical.

Short Answer Questions

1. The "most offensive 'Trump Country'" (98) essay Catte has encountered was published in what year?

2. Catte claims that Harry Caudil's work drew attention away from what other important cause?

3. Catte describes the Appalachian Group to Save the Land and People as what kind of organization?

4. In what year did Ollie Combs endeavor to conduct a protest against her land being destroyed by bulldozers?

5. In what year did Dan Gibson use "armed resistance to route bulldozers off his family land" (100)?

Short Essay Questions

1. For what purpose does Catte draw a connection among William Shockley, Harry Caudill, and J.D. Vance?

2. What is a goal Catte names as NOT being achieved by the War on Poverty?

3. What was the Whitesburg Conference?

4. What tradition does Catte name as "one of the finest and oldest Appalachian traditions" (98)?

5. What connection does Catte draw among William Shockley, Harry Caudill, and J.D. Vance?

6. What connection does Catte make between Communism and the civil rights movement?

7. What qualities does Catte assert are shared by both J.D. Vance and Harry Caudill?

8. For what reason were images of black Appalachians left out of exposes of regional poverty?

9. What point does Catte make about the Amazon recommendations connected to Hillbilly Elegy?

10. Describe the incident with Ollie Combs in 1965.

(see the answer keys)

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