What Jamie Saw Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What Jamie Saw Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jamie find he can change direction when skating?
(a) By thinking which direction he wants to go in.
(b) By turning his body in the right direction.
(c) By jumping in the direstion he wants to go in.
(d) By leaning in the direction he wants to go in.

2. How does Jamie stop Van from going into the bedroom?
(a) He grabs a knife.
(b) He steps into the hall.
(c) He locks the door.
(d) He loads his gun.

3. What does Patty dust herself down like when she gets up after ducking behind the snowcone stand?
(a) As if she fell.
(b) As if she is geting crumbs out of her clothes.
(c) As if someone spilt something on her.
(d) As if she has a pain in her stomach.

4. What does Jamie do outside the trailer?
(a) He skates on the pond.
(b) He looks for sticks.
(c) He runs around the trailer.
(d) He sings to himself.

5. What does Earl tell Jamie at the end of their skating session?
(a) You'll get better.
(b) You area natural.
(c) A future a champion.
(d) You did great.

6. Why does Earl say he has come to the trailer?
(a) He wants to talk with Patty.
(b) He has come to give Jamie his present.
(c) He wants to get his toolbox.
(d) He wants to take the family out for breakfast.

7. Where has Patty planned a shopping visit to?
(a) Stark.
(b) Bourneville.
(c) Littleton.
(d) Eoin.

8. When does Mrs. Desrochers say she can watch Jamie?
(a) Tuesday afternoons.
(b) Saturday afternoons.
(c) Sunday mornings.
(d) Friday mornings.

9. How does Jamie react when Patty breaks the plate?
(a) He cries uncontrollably.
(b) He threatens his mother with a knife.
(c) He kicks his mother.
(d) He runs out of the trailer.

10. Why does Jamie hate going to school?
(a) He hates his new teacher.
(b) He hates getting up early.
(c) He hates leaving his mother and sister.
(d) He hates having to catch up.

11. How does Jamie feel when Patty disappears in her car to give Mrs. Desroches back her bag?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Anxious.
(c) Tearful.
(d) Excited.

12. Why can't Patty start her car?
(a) She has lost the keys.
(b) It has run out of petrol.
(c) The car is too old.
(d) It's too cold.

13. Which of the following people don't survive the bomb?
(a) Earl.
(b) Nin.
(c) Agnes.
(d) Jamie.

14. What does Patty tell Earl she thought they might have to live in forever?
(a) This ice cube.
(b) This freezer.
(c) This silver toaster.
(d) This coolbox.

15. What has Earl bought Jamie for Christmas?
(a) A pair of skates.
(b) A computer.
(c) A skate board.
(d) A teddy bear.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jamie feel sorry for Van?

2. What does Patty warn Jamie she would do if he didn't settle down?

3. Who does Patty say is long gone?

4. What does Jamie think his mother needs for Christmas?

5. What does Jamie think the car feels like on the way back home?

(see the answer keys)

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