What Dreams May Come: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What Dreams May Come: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the masterpieces on Earth?
(a) Ones that are not good enough for this library.
(b) A ghost of those in this library.
(c) Spin offs from those in this library.
(d) Mere replicas of those in this library.

2. What happens if there is intense grieving surrounding a person's death?
(a) Nothing affects the dying person.
(b) The person cannot enter Summerland.
(c) The person who dies may feel anxiety.
(d) The person cannot die.

3. What does Chris admire about Albert's home?
(a) The way it moves as he moves.
(b) The fact that it is exactly the same as Albert's boyhood home.
(c) The way it has curved walls.
(d) The roominess and craftsmanship.

4. What does the clairvoyant claim?
(a) That she is able to walk the fields of Summerland.
(b) That she is able to walk the lower realms.
(c) That she is Ann reincarnated.
(d) That she writes a manuscript dictated to her by a dead man.

5. Where does Chris see Ian trying to comfort Ann?
(a) At the hospital.
(b) At the cemetary.
(c) At his brother's house.
(d) In Chris and Ann's bedroom.

6. What does everyone have at Summerland?
(a) A direct link to God.
(b) A job.
(c) A maid.
(d) A personal guru.

7. Who runs to greet Chris?
(a) His dead cat, Katie.
(b) His dead dog, Katie.
(c) The pony Chris has as a child.
(d) A stillborn child he and Ann had years ago.

8. Who does Richard bring to the cemetery?
(a) Ian.
(b) His minister.
(c) Perry.
(d) Ginger.

9. Who writes a letter about Chris?
(a) Ann.
(b) Ian.
(c) His daughter, Marie.
(d) Richard.

10. What does the man who seems solid to Chris tell him?
(a) He must go on.
(b) He will not find peace until he moves on.
(c) He can wait as long as necessary.
(d) He will make things worse staying there.

11. Who judges the individual?
(a) Higher beings.
(b) A panel of angels.
(c) The individual him/herself.
(d) God.

12. Who keeps track of some family members?
(a) God.
(b) Chris.
(c) Albert.
(d) Ann.

13. What does Chris do when a voice tells him not to fight dying?
(a) He is sad.
(b) He acquiesces.
(c) He gets angry.
(d) He is frightened.

14. Who alerts Perry to Chris' presence?
(a) No one.
(b) Chris.
(c) The cat.
(d) The dog.

15. What can Chris learn from the place Leona is taking him?
(a) What he wants to avoid.
(b) Peace.
(c) What he can be striving for.
(d) When Ann is due to die.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what does Ann reluctantly agree?

2. What takes on a form that must be faced?

3. What is the atmosphere like in Summerland?

4. What bothers Chris about Summerland?

5. What does Ian sense?

(see the answer keys)

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