The Westing Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Westing Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Mr. Hoo promise his business partner in Chapter 27?
(a) He would reinvest their earnings.
(b) He would promote their product worldwide.
(c) He would take her to China.
(d) He would share the profits equally.

2. In Chapter 19, who did Otis Amber accuse of being responsible for the bombings?
(a) Mr. Hoo.
(b) Mrs. Wexler.
(c) Turtle Wexler.
(d) Judge Ford.

3. What unusual fact did Judge Ford find out about Mrs. Wexler?
(a) She was not related to Mr. Westing at all.
(b) She was related to the cleaning worman.
(c) She was married once before.
(d) She was not really Turtle's mother.

4. Who did Judge Ford believe must be protected and why?
(a) The lawyer, because he knew Westing's secrets.
(b) Berthe Crow, because she killed Westing's daughter.
(c) Sandy, because he drank on the job.
(d) Berthe Crow because she believed Crow is Westing's ex-wife.

5. What indication was there that the heirs were jittery?
(a) They kept calling the bomb squad to check things.
(b) They snuck around watching each other.
(c) They accused each other of being the bomber, even their partners.
(d) They stayed inside and kept their doors locked.

6. What is the irony of Jake Wexler's new position?
(a) His wife always teased him about being a podiatrist, and now he is head of the hospital.
(b) He really didn't try to solve the mystery, but accidently discovered the secret.
(c) He was a bookie and is now on the lottery commission to prevevnt gambling.
(d) He was a podiatrist and now sells the insoles that Hoo developed.

7. In Chapter 25, what did Dr. Deere accuse Turtle of doing?
(a) Setting a bomb to go off in three hours.
(b) Kicking Sandy's shin.
(c) Stealing a copy of the will.
(d) Stealing everyone's clues.

8. What did Judge Ford tell the heirs about the two million dollars?
(a) That they were to divide the two million between all of them since no one really won.
(b) That there was never two million dollars; it was a a lie.
(c) That she was the one who won the two million.
(d) That they didn't solve the puzzle so they didn't get it.

9. Who was the only heir the Judge did not investigate?
(a) Turtle.
(b) Sandy.
(c) Chris.
(d) Crow.

10. What does Judge Ford recognize as the famous Westing trap?
(a) The queen's sacrifice.
(b) Various disguises.
(c) Pitting players against each other.
(d) The Westing game.

11. How was Judge Ford connected to Mr. Westing?
(a) She worked in his factory for years.
(b) Her parents worked for Mr. Westing.
(c) She had worked as his lawyer.
(d) She was his daughter.

12. How did Mrs. Sydelle find out who the bomber was?
(a) She overheard Turtle and Angela talking about it.
(b) The bomber confessed it to her in an attempt to frighten her into sharing her clues.
(c) She caught the bomber placing one of the bombs.
(d) She was the bomber.

13. Why didn't Doug's feet hurt when he was trailing Otis Amber?
(a) He was riding his bicycle.
(b) He wore two pairs of socks.
(c) He wore his special track shoes.
(d) He had the paper insoles.

14. What did Theo discover when he analyzed his clues?
(a) The formula for an explosive and the name of a suspect.
(b) The letters spell out the full name of one of the heirs.
(c) The letters don't spell the initials of four of the heirs.
(d) The letters of his clues didn't spell anything that he could determine.

15. What did Turtle say she saw Crow put in Sandy's flask?
(a) Medicine.
(b) Lemonade.
(c) Bourbon.
(d) Poison.

Short Answer Questions

1. After reexamining their clues, who did Grace and Mr. Hoo think was involved in the mystery?

2. Who did Judge Ford think was actually in the coffin?

3. What was Grace Wexler's attitude toward Turtle at the end of the book?

4. At the beginning of the last chapter, who is dying and what from?

5. At the second meeting of the heirs for the reading of the Will, what did Turtle convince Angela not to do?

(see the answer keys)

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