The Westing Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Westing Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Westing, according to the parties gathered outside Westing House?
(a) He is a recluse in the Mansion.
(b) His corpse is rotting in the carpet.
(c) He is a ghost that haunts the Mansion.
(d) He went away.

2. What did Turtle think the expression, "Take stock in America," meant from the Will?
(a) That the winner must buy land in America.
(b) To buy stock and whoever earns the most money, wins.
(c) To look at the song, "America, America!" for clues.
(d) That the murderer is not one of the Americans.

3. Each of the pairs of heirs gained something from their partner. What did Turtle gain from her partner?
(a) She got to stop going to school so that she could help her partner.
(b) She got to keep all the $10,000.
(c) She received acceptance and nurturing.
(d) She got to share all the clues with other partners.

4. What was speculated as being the real reason Dr. Wexler didn't attend the first reading of the Will?
(a) He had an emergency surgery.
(b) He was angry at his wife.
(c) He was gambling on a game.
(d) He had cheated Mr. Westing out of some money.

5. What was supposed to be wrong with Sydelle Pulaski?
(a) She was supposed to have a wasting disease.
(b) She couldn't read or write.
(c) She didn't get along with any of the others.
(d) She had cheated Mr. Westing and so was afraid to come to the reading.

6. Who is Barney Northrup?
(a) Head of an apartment management service.
(b) A heir of Westing.
(c) None of these answers are correct.
(d) A lawyer.

7. Where was the next bomb planned to be?
(a) In the Wexler apartment.
(b) In the elevator.
(c) In the Hoo's restaurant.
(d) In the Westing Mansion.

8. Why didn't Dr. Wexler attend the first meeting for the reading of the Will?
(a) He was supposed to be doing an operation but was actually gambling.
(b) He was afraid he would be picked out as the murderer.
(c) He didn't hear about the meeting.
(d) He thought the meeting was stupid and wanted no part of it.

9. Why did Mr. Hoo laugh when Mrs. Wexler said Turtle was helping Dr. Wexler with his bookkeeping?
(a) He didn't think Dr. Wexler had enough patients to need a bookkeeper.
(b) Turtle was too young to know about bookkeeping.
(c) He knew Dr. Wexler was with another woman.
(d) Because Dr. Wexler was a bookie.

10. What happened to the two boys who were to stay overnight at the Westing House?
(a) They ran out of the house in great fear in less than 5 minutes.
(b) They spent the night and earned their bet.
(c) They liked the house and wanted to stay there forever.
(d) They heard a ghost and came out to tell the townspeople.

11. What did each of the pairs of heirs come to decide about the clues given to them?
(a) That they didn't have the right clues.
(b) That they knew the answer to the puzzle.
(c) That it would take all the clues together to solve the puzzle.
(d) That the clues meant nothing.

12. What exciting story did Turtle have to tell her family, but decided not to tell all the details?
(a) A scandal she had heard about Angela's fiance.
(b) The ghost story related to the Westing Mansion.
(c) The fact that she had seen Angela's fiance with another girl.
(d) The story that Mr. Westing's corpse lay rotting in the Mansion.

13. What lie did Judge Ford catch Mrs. Wexler in at the party?
(a) She claimed to know the answer to the clues.
(b) She told Turtle that she was her favorite daughter.
(c) She shared a false clue to get Judge Ford to share one of hers.
(d) She claimed to be a niece to Mr. Westing.

14. The morning after the reading of the Will, what did Turtle do to help the others and earn some money for herself?
(a) She agreed to combine their clues and try to solve the mystery and split the money with everyone.
(b) She paid her sister, Angela, to let her see their clues.
(c) She agreed to sell her half of the $10,000 to another team.
(d) She sold candles that were designed to tell time.

15. Why did Angela and Mrs. Pulaski dress alike to go to the party?
(a) They wanted to be like mother and daughter.
(b) They wanted to confuse everyone about who was who.
(c) They thought one of the clues was about twins and wanted to get someone to talk about twins.
(d) They didn't plan it, they just happened to wear the same thing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Turtle kick everything in her room as she left in Chapter 9?

2. Two people at Sunset Towers were not heirs. Who were they?

3. What did Angela do when she disguised herself in Chapter 14?

4. Why didn't Mrs. Hoo attend the first meeting for the reading of the Will?

5. What discovery did Chris Theodorakis make while birdwatching?

(see the answer keys)

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