We Were the Mulvaneys Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

We Were the Mulvaneys Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens after Patrick changes his thesis topic three times?
(a) He was notified he was failing the course.
(b) He was told he could not change his mind again.
(c) He was notified he'd been assigned a new adviser.
(d) He was told he had to do exactly what his adviser wanted or drop the course.

2. What warning does Marianne hear when people pay too much attention to her?
(a) If she allowed good things to happen it would work in reverse.
(b) If she accepts undeserved kindness worse things will happen.
(c) If she allowed kindness she would have to reveal her past.
(d) Kindness is only a mask meant to hide evil intentions.

3. How does Marianne respond to Abelove's personal question?
(a) She said she had work to do.
(b) She told him she had to leave.
(c) She thanked him.
(d) All the answers are correct.

4. Where does Patrick expect to capture Zachary Lundt?
(a) At the country club.
(b) Cobb's Corner Inn.
(c) At the gym where Zachary works out.
(d) At the bog.

5. On the morning following her trip to the funeral, what does Abelove ask Marianne about Hewie?
(a) What Hewie did to her.
(b) If she loves Hewie.
(c) What Hewie said about him while they were away.
(d) Why she asked him for a ride.

6. How does Judd reply when Patrick asks how their mother is taking the sale of the farm?
(a) He admits it is very hard on her.
(b) Judd says she's okay, that she is the one handling most of it.
(c) He says he can't tell if she's acting okay or if she really is okay.
(d) Judd says she cries a lot.

7. Why does Patrick call the Lundts in March?
(a) Gathering intelligence to use in court against them.
(b) To find out where Zachary was now.
(c) Just to play with the family like a cat plays with a mouse.
(d) To find out if Zachary would be home for Easter break.

8. Why does Marianne always volunteer to chop onions at the Co-Op?
(a) To hide her tears.
(b) Because no one else wants to chop them.
(c) Chopping helps get rid of her frustrations.
(d) Because she loves to cook.

9. What does Judd think when Corrine tells him that Patrick is going to be at the reunion?
(a) He hoped he didn't come.
(b) He couldn't wait to see him.
(c) He would have some choice words for him if he did.
(d) He doubted Patrick would be there.

10. Who offers to give Marianne a ride to her grandmother's funeral?
(a) Hewie, a Co-Op member.
(b) Abelove.
(c) Aunt Ethel.
(d) Her roommate Felice-Marie.

11. In the chapter, "Rag-Quilt Life," what does Marianne say before she leaves the Co-Op?
(a) Goodbye.
(b) Nothing.
(c) That she needs a vacation.
(d) That she will be back.

12. What words of Abelove's have a grimly prophetic tone?
(a) "Gone but never forgotten."
(b) "Vanished off the face of the Earth."
(c) "Disappeared without a trace."
(d) "Up in smoke."

13. What does Aunt Ethel tell her about her mother?
(a) Her mother wants her to attend her grandmother's funeral.
(b) Her mother wanted Aunt Ethel to call and tell her about her grandmother.
(c) That her mother is going to the funeral alone.
(d) Her mother doesn't want her to attend her grandmother's funeral.

14. What does Abelove say about Marianne's relationship with the Co-Op?
(a) He wanted her to be an Associate Director.
(b) He wanted her to be manager of the gardens.
(c) He wanted to put her in charge of looking for benefactors.
(d) He wanted her to take charge of the kitchen.

15. What does Patrick start doing the winter before he executes his plan?
(a) Putting his thoughts in a journal.
(b) Running.
(c) Working out at the gym.
(d) Spending more time in the lab.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Marianne go after leaving the Co-Op?

2. Why does Judd finally leave home?

3. What doesn't Marianne take with her?

4. What do the brothers do for the first time before they part in the chapter titled, "The Handshake."

5. What does Marianne decide after Judd tells her that their father is asking for her and only her?

(see the answer keys)

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