Water for Elephants Test | Final Test - Medium

Sara Gruen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Water for Elephants Test | Final Test - Medium

Sara Gruen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is having a party in Chapter 10?
(a) Uncle Al.
(b) Marlena.
(c) Kinko.
(d) Jacob.

2. Which animal is the most popular that day in the menagerie tent?
(a) The giraffe.
(b) The llama.
(c) Rosie.
(d) The horses.

3. Why does August give Marlena a black eye?
(a) She admitted to having an affair with Jacob.
(b) She called him a nasty name.
(c) She hit him first.
(d) She said she was leaving him.

4. What does Uncle Al want Rosie to do during the show?
(a) March in the Grand Spec.
(b) Balance on a ball.
(c) Perform a trick with her trunk.
(d) Allow the clowns to ride her.

5. Where does August invite Jacob to go that night?
(a) To a church service.
(b) To a nightclub.
(c) To a seminar on animal care.
(d) To a new restaurant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Jacob want to see?

2. How does learning Rosie's language help August?

3. What does Rosie do when she sees the exit to the menagerie tent from the big top?

4. What does Jacob beg Marlena not to do?

5. What injury had Jacob suffered?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Jacob convince Uncle Al to keep August from Marlena?

2. Why are Camel and Walter thrown from the train?

3. What does elderly Jacob learn about Rosemary that upsets him?

4. Why is the train raided in Poughkeepsie?

5. What does Jacob use to pay the doctor?

6. Who becomes ill, forcing Jacob to examine him?

7. What is rumored to be wrong with the elephant?

8. How does August react to Marlena's injuries?

9. What does Jacob discover about Rosie?

10. What surprise does Marlena arrange for August after Rosie's first successful show?

(see the answer keys)

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