Water for Elephants Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sara Gruen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Water for Elephants Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sara Gruen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jacob complain to the nurse about?
(a) A pain in his chest.
(b) The noise at the other tables.
(c) The music playing in the background.
(d) His mushy food.

2. What does Rosemary help Jacob do next?
(a) Rosemary helps Jacob take a shower.
(b) Rosemary helps Jacob trim his toenails.
(c) Rosemary helps Jacob out of bed.
(d) Rosemary helps Jacob brush his hair.

3. What does the doctor prescribe for Jacob after his outburst at dinner?
(a) An antipsychotic pill.
(b) An antidepressant pill that Jacob does not want.
(c) A pill to help with memory disorders.
(d) Time with a counselor.

4. Why does Jacob help Marlena with her horse?
(a) He likes being in control of a situation.
(b) He likes her and does not want her to suffer.
(c) He wants to make a favorable impression on Uncle Al and August.
(d) He is a kind person who will help anyone.

5. What does August have the men store with the camels and zebras?
(a) Barrels of sweet grain for the horses.
(b) Barrels of illegal alcohol.
(c) Barrels of valuables taken from Uncle Al.
(d) Barrels of raw meat.

6. Why does Jacob object to his seating at dinner in Chapter 5?
(a) Jacob does not want to be isolated from the women.
(b) Jacob does not want to sit alone.
(c) Jacob does not want to sit with the new resident who lies about the elephants.
(d) Jacob does not want to sit with new people.

7. What school does Jacob attend?
(a) Cornell University.
(b) Duke University.
(c) Cambridge University.
(d) Notre Dame University.

8. How does Rosemary react to Jacob's anger over the blinds?
(a) She yells at Jacob for acting so rude.
(b) She calls another nurse to deal with his attitude.
(c) She calls the doctor to increase his medication.
(d) She leaves and re-enters the room as though she has just arrived.

9. Why does Camel drink jake?
(a) It is tasty.
(b) It is cheap.
(c) It is Prohibition and it is the only alcohol he can find.
(d) It was a gift.

10. What impression makes Uncle Al think Jacob is not serious about a job with the circus? Who does Uncle Al think Jacob is?
(a) A kid who has run away from his parents.
(b) A kid who has run away from a boring future.
(c) A kid with no where else to go.
(d) A kid on the run from the police.

11. Why is Jacob removed from the dining room?
(a) He is finished eating.
(b) He argues with the new resident.
(c) He becomes ill.
(d) He is rude to the nurses.

12. Why does Jacob dislike this guest?
(a) He knows he is lying and he is jealous of the attention he is getting.
(b) He dislikes braggarts.
(c) He remembers this person from his own youth.
(d) The guest is disrespectful to Jacob.

13. Who wakes elderly Jacob in Chapter 5?
(a) His wife.
(b) The new resident.
(c) His son.
(d) Rosemary, the nurse.

14. Who interrupts the class?
(a) Rosie.
(b) Jacob.
(c) Marlena.
(d) The dean of students.

15. What does Jacob retrieve from the camel and zebra cars?
(a) The barrels of meat.
(b) The barrels of sweet grain.
(c) The barrels of alcohol.
(d) The barrels of valuables.

Short Answer Questions

1. How often does each relative come to see Jacob?

2. What happens when Marlena and August dance at dinner?

3. What does Jacob miss about being older?

4. What does Uncle Al announce to the circus crew and performers?

5. What problem does this announcement cause for August?

(see the answer keys)

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