The War of the Worlds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The War of the Worlds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the Lieutenant respond to the soldier and narrator's story when meeting them?
(a) He accuses them of being insane.
(b) He says that he will protect them.
(c) He does not believe them.
(d) He says that he saw the same things they did.

2. What does the narrator tell his wife about the Martians in order to reassure her?
(a) The Martians move very slowly.
(b) The Martians do not seem very dangerous.
(c) The Martians are very small.
(d) The Martians are very weak.

3. In the days immediately following the first heat ray, the only people that know about it live in what town?
(a) London.
(b) Ottershaw.
(c) Chobham.
(d) Woking.

4. A soldier tells the narrator that when a man waved a flag on a long pole at the Martians, the Martians responded by:
(a) Shooting at him.
(b) Pulling him into the pit.
(c) Attacking him.
(d) Ignoring him.

5. About how many people surround the pit the morning after the cylinder lands?
(a) Twenty.
(b) Thirty.
(c) One hundred.
(d) Five.

6. What do the soldier and the narrator bring with them when they decide to leave Woking?
(a) Food and whiskey.
(b) Food and water.
(c) Food and the narrator's dog.
(d) Weapons and food.

7. What do the soldiers do when the narrator tells them about the heat ray?
(a) Argue.
(b) Tell the narrator to leave.
(c) Shoot into the pit.
(d) Scream.

8. What does the narrator first call the cylinder?
(a) It.
(b) The Monster.
(c) The Rocket.
(d) The Thing.

9. What do the first visitors to the cylinder think is inside it at first?
(a) A man.
(b) A strange creature.
(c) An animal.
(d) A Martian invader.

10. How do most people react to the invasion on the first Friday after the cylinder lands?
(a) They are very curious about what is happening.
(b) They have not taken much notice of it.
(c) They are demanding action from the military.
(d) They are keeping a close eye on the pit in shifts.

11. How does the narrator react when he reads an article about the cylinder at the end of Chapter 2?
(a) He panics.
(b) He makes plans to leave town.
(c) He decides to hide.
(d) He heads back to the crash site.

12. Who is the first person to see the cylinder when it crashes?
(a) Ogilvy.
(b) A construction worker.
(c) Henderson.
(d) The narrator.

13. How does the narrator react when the first Martian falls out of the cylinder?
(a) He tries to fight it.
(b) He stays where he is.
(c) He yells for help.
(d) He runs away.

14. What is the name of the professional organization for astronomers?
(a) The League of Astronomers.
(b) The Astronomical Exchange.
(c) Astronomers United.
(d) The National Association of Astronomers.

15. Where do the Martian disks first emerge according to the soldier?
(a) Under London.
(b) The common.
(c) The ocean.
(d) A river.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many houses around the pit catch fire on Friday night?

2. How far is Mars from the sun according to the narrator?

3. Over what town is the gas jet first spotted?

4. How many policemen are sent to the common after the heat ray?

5. The crowd that gathers around the pit the morning after the cylinder crashes are from Woking and what other town?

(see the answer keys)

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