Warlight Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Warlight Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the phrase that refers to a high perspective that lets a person see into usually hidden distances?
(a) Nightingale Window technique.
(b) 360 Degree technique.
(c) Lost-roof technique.
(d) Seeing Through the Walls technique.

2. What does Nathaniel see on The Darter's wall that reveals what is really going on?
(a) A photo of Nathaniel's father.
(b) A photo of Agnes.
(c) A map of where The Darter was in the war.
(d) An embroidered phrase that he remembers Agnes saying years earlier.

3. What does Rose do when she learns a stranger has moved into White Paint?
(a) Sets booby traps all around her own house.
(b) Breaks into the stranger's house and steals a lock of hair for analysis.
(c) Takes the stranger's fingerprints in secret.
(d) Gathers information about the stranger from others in town, including the postman.

4. What is Nathaniel's living situation in the section titled "In the Archives"?
(a) He only lives in Suffolk.
(b) He only lives in London.
(c) He works in London during the week and lives in Suffolk on weekends.
(d) He has moved to Glasgow for a top-secret job.

5. What does Nathaniel imagine Rose's death was like?
(a) He imagines a young woman came and shot his mother in her greenhouse.
(b) He imagines a child was sent to kill his mother.
(c) He imagines a sharply-dressed Englishman summarily executed her.
(d) He imagines a team of men came to assassinate her.

6. Why do Nathaniel and Rachel live with Rose's mother during the war for a time?
(a) So they will not witness their father's health decline.
(b) So they will not be kidnapped.
(c) So they are safer from the Blitz that is happening in London.
(d) So they can get a better education.

7. Who wrote the line on Rose Williams' gravestone?
(a) Dickens.
(b) Wordsworth.
(c) Blake.
(d) It is from the Bible.

8. What does Marsh Felon make for Rose when he stays in her family's house?
(a) Fishing lures.
(b) A hat.
(c) Short stories.
(d) Wallpaper.

9. What does the Italian word acquedotto mean?
(a) A drain.
(b) A pond.
(c) An ocean.
(d) A river.

10. What does Rachel name her baby?
(a) Arthur.
(b) Walter.
(c) Nathaniel.
(d) Norman.

11. Which animal does Nathaniel put food out for after his mother's death that his mother used to do the same for in White Paint?
(a) A raccoon.
(b) A neighborhood dog.
(c) A feral cat.
(d) A hen.

12. What author does Rose Williams have a particular fondness for?
(a) Balzac.
(b) Austen.
(c) Dickens.
(d) Wordsworth.

13. Why does Nathaniel bang a pot upon entering his mother's house after she dies?
(a) Because he thinks it is good luck.
(b) To follow a tradition she followed, to scare away a "rat."
(c) Because he thinks there are thieves there.
(d) Because he thinks his mother would want him to do that.

14. What does Rachel tell Nathaniel about her feelings about their childhood?
(a) The Darter used to hit her to discipline her.
(b) They were both damaged.
(c) She will never forgive their father.
(d) She has managed to forgive their mother.

15. What is a distinctive feature of Rose Williams' floor in White Paint?
(a) It has lasers built into it as a security feature.
(b) It gives barefoot people splinters.
(c) Its dye rubs off on skin and can not be removed.
(d) It squeaks suddenly and loudly when stepped on.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many children does The Darter tell Nathaniel he has?

2. What does Sam Malakite say to Nathaniel when he tells Malakite he was shy in his youth?

3. What street in Naples does Rose find herself on after her escape from captivity?

4. What is the only thing Rachel will say about Rose after the incident at the Bark Theater?

5. Why do the inhabitants of The Saints take down the road signs during the war?

(see the answer keys)

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