Waiting to Exhale Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting to Exhale Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Robin apprehensive about Michael?
(a) He is not handsome like the men she had always dated in the past.
(b) She does not know much about him.
(c) She just got out of a bad relationship.
(d) He is recently divorced.

2. What does Savannah resent about the executive world?
(a) It is male-dominated and keeps her in a middle management position.
(b) It is not as exciting as she had thought it would be.
(c) How wealthy they are.
(d) That they do not take responsibility for their actions and put the blame on people such as herself.

3. Where does Bernadine discover that John has been devious in his financial matters that will impact the scope of the divorce settlement?
(a) When she speaks with John's mother.
(b) At a meeting with John.
(c) During her first meeting with her divorce attorney.
(d) In the divorce hearing.

4. Why do Robin and Savannah promise to meet?
(a) So that Robin can help acclimate Savannah to the Phoenix area.
(b) So that Robin can help Savannah find a home.
(c) Robin has heard all about Savannah.
(d) Robin is helping Savannah find a job.

5. What is Gloria shocked to find?
(a) Tarik has been expelled from school for being in a gang.
(b) Tarik has dropped out of school.
(c) Tarik has joined the Bloods gang.
(d) Tarik's girlfriend is pregnant.

6. Where do Robin, Bernadine, Savannah, and Gloria agree to meet for Happy Hour?
(a) At a bar called Pendleton's.
(b) At Bernadine's home.
(c) At a quiet restaurant.
(d) At a classy restaurant.

7. What does Savannah notice when she picks up Lionel at his house?
(a) It has a for sale sign in front of it.
(b) A woman answers the door.
(c) It is much smaller and sparsely furnished than she had been led to believe.
(d) It is larger than she had expected.

8. What does she tell her mother is the reason for leaving the children there?
(a) She needs some time to think.
(b) She and John are going on a romantic trip.
(c) She needs a vacation.
(d) She is starting a new job.

9. Why does Bernadine not remember leaving her two small children asleep in their beds and has a difficult time remembering how to get back home?
(a) The wine is stronger than she initially thought it was.
(b) The Xanax begins its work.
(c) She is sleepwalking.
(d) She is in shock.

10. What does Bernadine do after locking herself in her bedroom?
(a) She writes in her journal.
(b) She calls her mother.
(c) She examines her face and naked body in a mirror and curses her new single status.
(d) She calls her best friend.

11. Why does she decide to see him again?
(a) She feels sorry for him.
(b) He seems sincere in getting to know her as a real person.
(c) He is wealthy.
(d) He is handsome.

12. When Savannah arrives at the hotel, what is she surprised to see?
(a) A bouquet of roses with her name on them.
(b) A limosine waiting for her.
(c) Her ex-boyfriend.
(d) There is a cover charge.

13. What does Robin feel about Russell?
(a) Loathing and hatred.
(b) He is her last chance to achieve her dreams.
(c) He will make a good father for her children.
(d) He will fire her if she breaks up with him.

14. What is a good enough reason, to Robin, to break up with Michael?
(a) He is lazy.
(b) He is ugly.
(c) His planets do not align with hers.
(d) He is fat.

15. Why is Savannah's first impression is one of being pleasantly surprised?
(a) The band playing is very good.
(b) Not many blind dates turn out being as handsome as Lionel is.
(c) The party is serving her favorite hors d'Å“uvre.
(d) The party is beautiful.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Bernadine feel about the mortgage payment not being made by John?

2. What does Robin tell Savannah while they wait for Bernadine and Gloria to arrive?

3. Who does Gloria Mathews yell at to turn down his stereo and call Philip?

4. What does Bernadine's therapist do to help rid her of feelings of sadness?

5. What does Savannah feel has diminished?

(see the answer keys)

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