Volpone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Volpone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who knocks at the door, interrupting Nano's poem?
(a) Sir Political Would-Be.
(b) Lady Politcal Would-Be.
(c) Celia.
(d) Mosca.

2. Which of the following themes is Lady Would-Be obsessed with?
(a) Honesty.
(b) Lust.
(c) Vanity.
(d) Money.

3. How does Mosca feel about having to deceive so many people?
(a) He feels guilty.
(b) He feels proud.
(c) He feels confused.
(d) He feels apathetic.

4. Which character is sent to be imprisoned and whipped?
(a) Corvino.
(b) Mosca.
(c) Valpone.
(d) Corbaccio.

5. What does Corbaccio call his son in open court?
(a) A disappointment.
(b) A hero.
(c) A monster.
(d) A knave.

6. Who does Sir Politic entrust with his plans to take over Italy?
(a) Mosca.
(b) Valpone.
(c) Bonario.
(d) Peregrine.

7. Who is called as the main witness against Celia?
(a) Valpone.
(b) Lady Political Would-Be.
(c) Bonario.
(d) Peregrine.

8. Who threatens to rape Celia if she does not comply with his wishes?
(a) Bonario.
(b) Mosca.
(c) Valpone.
(d) Corvino.

9. How does Mosca convince Corbaccio's son that he is sensitive?
(a) He begins to cough.
(b) He begins to blush.
(c) He begins to cry.
(d) He begins to tremble.

10. Who is representing Valpone in the court case?
(a) Corbaccio.
(b) Valpone, himself.
(c) Mosca.
(d) Voltore.

11. Who overhears Celia's pleadings with her husband, but does nothing to intervene?
(a) Mosca.
(b) Corbaccio
(c) Bonario.
(d) Valpone.

12. What relationship does Voltore claim Celia and Bonario have?
(a) Co-conspirators.
(b) Lovers.
(c) Siblings.
(d) Enemies.

13. After hearing the news of the rumors regarding him, in what animal carcass does Sir Politic hide?
(a) A bear.
(b) A tiger.
(c) A zebra.
(d) A sea turtle.

14. How does Mosca feel in relation to all of Valpone's other servants?
(a) He feels worse than them.
(b) He feels equal to them.
(c) Mosca is Valpone's only servant.
(d) He feels better than them.

15. Who is blamed for the misleading case against Celia and Bonario?
(a) Mosca.
(b) Corvino.
(c) Corbaccio.
(d) Valpone.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mosca feel about Voltore's defense of Valpone in the court room?

2. Why is Corvino worried that his reputation might be tarnished in court?

3. Which article does Mosca remove from Valpone's house that suggests to Valpone that Mosca was trying to overthrow him?

4. Which court official is sent out into the streets to search for Mosca?

5. Which disease does Celia beg Valpone to give her in order for her to lose her beauty?

(see the answer keys)

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