Volpone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Volpone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose dead body does Corvino threaten to tie to Celia's body if she refuses him?
(a) Her brother's.
(b) A slave's.
(c) Her mother's.
(d) Their child's.

2. Why is Corvino worried that his reputation might be tarnished in court?
(a) Because of his plots against Valpone.
(b) Because of the treatment of his servants.
(c) Because of his financial standing.
(d) Because of his treatment of his wife.

3. Which article does Mosca remove from Valpone's house that suggests to Valpone that Mosca was trying to overthrow him?
(a) The keys.
(b) The jewels.
(c) The vault.
(d) The curtains.

4. According to the rumors, to which country was Sir Politic planning on selling Venice to?
(a) France.
(b) Spain.
(c) Turkey.
(d) Macedonia.

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the men that Valpone calls to entertain him while he awaits Mosca's return?
(a) Nano.
(b) Voltore.
(c) Castrone.
(d) Androgyno.

6. Which of the following men does NOT join the procession to the courts to press charges against Bonario?
(a) Valpone.
(b) Corbaccio.
(c) Voltore.
(d) Mosca.

7. Who is called as the main witness against Celia?
(a) Peregrine.
(b) Lady Political Would-Be.
(c) Bonario.
(d) Valpone.

8. According to the visitor, who announced that Sir Politic was planning on selling Venice in open court?
(a) Lady Politic.
(b) Voltore.
(c) Peregrine.
(d) Celia.

9. Who threatens to rape Celia if she does not comply with his wishes?
(a) Corvino.
(b) Valpone.
(c) Bonario.
(d) Mosca.

10. To whom does Valpone admit that he has been faking his illness?
(a) Mosca.
(b) Celia.
(c) Bonario.
(d) Corvino.

11. What is the poem about that Nano recites for Valpone?
(a) Valpone's skills.
(b) Androgyno's skills.
(c) Mosca's skills.
(d) Nano's skills.

12. How does Mosca convince Corbaccio's son that he is sensitive?
(a) He begins to tremble.
(b) He begins to blush.
(c) He begins to cry.
(d) He begins to cough.

13. Who does Valpone send into the town to announce his death?
(a) Nano and Castrone.
(b) Mosca and Castrone.
(c) Nano and Androgyno.
(d) Androgyno and Mosca.

14. Which of the following organisms are used to describe Mosca?
(a) A mosquito.
(b) A virus.
(c) A parasite.
(d) An amoeba.

15. Which of the following adjectives best describes Valpone as he is waiting for Mosca to return from his meeting with Corbaccio?
(a) Impatient.
(b) Apathetic.
(c) Intimidated.
(d) Excited.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the Senate, or Court Hose?

2. What is Voltore's punishment for misleading the courts?

3. Which of the following themes is Lady Would-Be obsessed with?

4. What does Corbaccio call his son in open court?

5. Which court official is sent out into the streets to search for Mosca?

(see the answer keys)

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