Voices from the Harlem Renaissance Test | Final Test - Medium

Nathan Huggins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Voices from the Harlem Renaissance Test | Final Test - Medium

Nathan Huggins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the author of "Fifty Years"?
(a) James Weldon Johnson.
(b) Toomer.
(c) Hughes.
(d) Domingo.

2. What does Cullen seem to wonder in her poem "She of the Dancing Feet Sings"?
(a) If she can sing.
(b) If she can dance.
(c) If she can sing and dance simultaneously.
(d) What her role will be in Heaven.

3. What is the title of the poem by Hughes that explains how life is not always a straight path, but a journey to rise?
(a) "Mother to Son".
(b) "Run to Rise".
(c) "Song for a Dark Girl".
(d) "Dream Variations".

4. What is the name of the woman in "Go Down Death"?
(a) Carol.
(b) Carolyn.
(c) Charlize.
(d) Caroline.

5. Why do Negroes mimic according to Hurston?
(a) For money.
(b) To be like others.
(c) For the fun; not to be like others.
(d) To feel better.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Thurman's story, who asks why he should focus only on his African roots when he has Indian and German roots as well?

2. What does Hurston later give credit to a "jook" being?

3. Who is the author of "Our Greatest Gift to America"?

4. What technique does Hurston discuss in "Spiritual and Neo-Spiritual"?

5. Which of the following is NOT a poem written by Countee Cullen?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss Hurston's essay "Shouting".

2. Discuss what Georgia Douglas Johnson's poem, "Old Black Men" addresses.

3. Discuss what James Weldon Johnson says about Dunbar as a poet in "The Book of American Negro Poetry".

4. Discuss the idea George S. Schuyler's presents in "The Negro-Art Hokum".

5. Discuss what the singing stone is in "Uncle Monday" by Hurston.

6. Describe Uncle Monday in "Uncle Monday" by Hurston.

7. Discuss what Hughes's poem "Mother to Son" addresses.

8. Discuss the three facts that Arthur A. Schomburg presents in "The Negro Digs Up His Past".

9. Discuss Fenton Johnson story "The Banjo Player".

10. Discuss what Hughes notices in most Negro families in relation to their perception of whites in "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain".

(see the answer keys)

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