Voices from the Harlem Renaissance Test | Final Test - Easy

Nathan Huggins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Voices from the Harlem Renaissance Test | Final Test - Easy

Nathan Huggins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hurston think about the originality of Negro artwork?
(a) It is original, although often discredited.
(b) She thinks it is unoriginal.
(c) It's appealing.
(d) It's abstract.

2. What does the author of "The Negro Digs Up His Past" conclude with?
(a) With a poem.
(b) With a song.
(c) With a challenge to the Negro race.
(d) He presents an idea that a new day has come for Negroes.

3. Who first sees Uncle Monday in Hurston's story "Uncle Monday"?
(a) Joey Lawrence.
(b) Joeseph Lies.
(c) Lindsey Joeseph.
(d) Joe Lindsay.

4. According to "Our Greatest Gift to America", where do Negroes frequently spend their time?
(a) Bars.
(b) Clubs.
(c) Parks.
(d) Libraries.

5. What does the author of "The Negro Digs up His Past" attribute his ideology to?
(a) Reclaimed background of the race as a whole.
(b) Self motivation.
(c) Self knowledge.
(d) His desire to be famous.

6. Who is the author of "Fifty Years"?
(a) James Weldon Johnson.
(b) Domingo.
(c) Toomer.
(d) Hughes.

7. Who believes Africans did not add any words to the English language?
(a) Hughes.
(b) Hurston.
(c) No one.
(d) Some etymologists.

8. What technique does Hurston discuss in "Spiritual and Neo-Spiritual"?
(a) Breathing in songs and sermons.
(b) The technique of sounds production.
(c) Diction.
(d) The technique to conjure spirits.

9. Who is the 3 line poem about?
(a) Jesus.
(b) God.
(c) George Washington.
(d) The Union Soldiers.

10. What is the title of the poem that expresses McKay's love and hatred for America?
(a) "Mixed Emotions".
(b) "The Duality of Life".
(c) "America".
(d) "The Dual Relationship in America".

11. How many poems of Countee Cullen's follow "Spiritual and Neo-Spiritual" in the section "Alien Gospel or Source of Inspiration?; Alienation, Anger, Rage"?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 2.

12. What type of literary writing style is effective in the 3 line poem?
(a) The words are rounded off at the end to mimic the Negro speech.
(b) It uses symbolism.
(c) The words are written in perfect speech.
(d) It uses dramatic irony.

13. What does Hurston say about Negro art?
(a) It's symmetrical and angular.
(b) It's fluid.
(c) It's easy on the eye.
(d) It's harsh to the eye.

14. How does the section "Art and Propaganda" end?
(a) With 2 interviews.
(b) With an essay.
(c) With 2 songs.
(d) With 2 poems.

15. Why has democracy worked so well in America, according to "Our Greatest Gift to America"?
(a) Negroes are inferior to the government.
(b) White's are supreme in this way of living.
(c) Skin color measures a man's worth.
(d) It divides the power evenly.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many facts does the author present in "The Negro Digs Up His Past"?

2. What characteristics are given to Sweetie Mary Carr?

3. When was "Fifty Years" written?

4. In the poem "If We Must Die", what does McKay compare the killings of his race to?

5. What term is coined to mean that African Americans do not produce art specific to their race due to the absorption of American ways?

(see the answer keys)

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