Visit to a Small Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Visit to a Small Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kreton admit he can do with time?
(a) Make it go backward.
(b) Travel through it.
(c) Alter it.
(d) Live in it.

2. Where does Conrad claim he needs to go as he and Ellen sit on the terrace?
(a) To work.
(b) Home to his mother.
(c) To school.
(d) Home to feed his goat.

3. Why does Roger believe he has different rights than others?
(a) He is a member of the government.
(b) He is a member of free press.
(c) He is a family friend.
(d) He is a member of an elite force.

4. In what year was Kreton expecting to land?
(a) 1661.
(b) 1861.
(c) 1761.
(d) 1961.

5. How does Kreton explain that he lives both on another planet and not on another planet?
(a) He lives on Mars.
(b) He lives in the ocean.
(c) He lives on the moon.
(d) He lives in another dimension.

6. What trait does Kreton say is endearing in Earthlings?
(a) They are neurotic.
(b) They are sensitive.
(c) They are very proud.
(d) They are emotional.

7. What does Roger believe Kreton belongs to?
(a) A race of pigs.
(b) A group of terrorists.
(c) A hostile race.
(d) A race of thieves.

8. Of what type of metal is Kreton's ship made?
(a) Gold.
(b) An unknown metal.
(c) Iron.
(d) Silver.

9. What does Roger tell Ellen to marry for?
(a) Money.
(b) Love.
(c) World peace.
(d) Children.

10. Where does Conrad sign his name as Ulysses Grant?
(a) At a hotel.
(b) On his army registration form.
(c) His license.
(d) In the bar.

11. How is Kreton dressed?
(a) He is not dressed.
(b) In fashion of 1900.
(c) In fashion of 1860.
(d) In modern fashion.

12. What event did Kreton want to see?
(a) The Battle of the Bulge.
(b) The Battle of Benedict.
(c) The Battle of Bull Run.
(d) The Battle of Gettysburg.

13. Which uniform does Kreton say he prefers?
(a) The blue ones.
(b) The ones with feathers.
(c) The pink ones.
(d) The ones with buttons.

14. What does Ellen tell Conrad to leave in the car when he arrives for dinner?
(a) The overnight bag.
(b) The cat.
(c) His wallet.
(d) The goat.

15. What does Powers complain was dropped into his lap?
(a) The Strat-Air Project.
(b) The UFO deal.
(c) The Laundry Project.
(d) Com Air Int.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Powers send his Captain to go do before he speaks to Kreton?

2. What does Conrad use as a name for hotel reservations at the Jefferson Davis?

3. What does Kreton note he has decided he will do to the world?

4. Where does the spaceship land?

5. What causes Reba to be suspicious of Ellen and Conrad's activities?

(see the answer keys)

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