Vineland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Vineland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Zoyd learn as he does he rounds regarding Hector?
(a) That Hector has hidden motives.
(b) That he has been asking people about him.
(c) That Hector is unstable.
(d) That Hector is unreliable.

2. Who does Hector want to talk to Zoyd about?
(a) His daughter, Prairie.
(b) Isaiah.
(c) His ex-wife, Frenesi Gates.
(d) Van Meter.

3. What kind of service do Vato and Blood run?
(a) A car rental.
(b) Marijuana sales.
(c) Liquor sales.
(d) A towing service.

4. What does Trent tell Zoyd about his home?
(a) It has had a fire.
(b) It has had a flood.
(c) It has been taken over by soldiers.
(d) It has been foreclosed on.

5. How does Prairie recognize DL?
(a) From photos shown to her by Hector.
(b) From photos her grandmother showed her.
(c) From photos her father showed her.
(d) From photos hidden in her father's drawer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Frenesi that their last government check is no good.

2. What organization do they represent?

3. What kind of group enters the bowling alley as Zoyd and Hector are finishing lunch?

4. Roughly how many witnesses have been cut off the program?

5. How does Zoyd work his way to the island to confront Frenesi?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Zoyd surprised by federal prosecutor Vond's actions and what does he do to circumvent the current problems he is facing?

2. What does Prairie do that makes Zoyd suspicious?

3. What is the origin of the odd business card that Zoyd gives Prairie as she is leaving?

4. Where does Frenesi meet her current husband, Flash, and what do they have in common?

5. Despite the new life that Frenesi has, her new husband Flash, and their son Justin, what does Frenesi spend a great deal of time thinking about?

6. Why is Hector choosing now to come back into Zoyd's life?

7. What do DL and Prairie realize they have in common as they are talking?

8. Where does Zoyd's association with Hector begin?

9. What changes are made to Zoyd's plans to affirm his qualification for mental health benefits?

10. Who is Zoyd approached by first in the Log Jam and how?

(see the answer keys)

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