The Vampire Lestat Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Vampire Lestat Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the message Marius gets about the Mother and Father?
(a) To come and drink their blood.
(b) To stop trying to find them.
(c) To get them out of Egypt.
(d) To bury them deep in the desert.

2. Using mental telepathy, what does the female give to Lestat?
(a) The way to call her.
(b) A smile.
(c) A warning.
(d) Her name, Akasha.

3. How was the first vampire created?
(a) When an alien being came to Egypt.
(b) When the King attempted to exorcise a demon.
(c) When the King and Queen were embalmed.
(d) When the Queen was bitten by a bat.

4. How does Lestat go about trying to find Marius?
(a) By carving messages into stone.
(b) By calling his name over and over.
(c) By putting ads in the newspapers.
(d) By hiring a private investigator.

5. Where does Marius take Lestat?
(a) To his secret home.
(b) To a gold mine.
(c) To his coven.
(d) To the bottom a pyramid.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Lestat prepares to go to the New World, where is Gabrielle planning to go?

2. Why does Claudia attempt to kill Lestat?

3. What has Lestat been doing to upset the vampires?

4. What happens in Istanbul and Greece?

5. Why does Lestat stay so long underground?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the riots start at Lestat's San Francisco rock concert?

2. When Lestat cannot locate Marius and Gabrielle takes off for deep Africa, how does the reader see Lestat's depression?

3. How is it clear that Marius went looking for Lestat on purpose?

4. Define the literary usage of the dream Lestat has.

5. What nearly disastrous thing does Lestat do in New Orleans?

6. Predictably, after being warned by Marius not to return to the chapel where the Mother and Father are kept, what does Lestat do?

7. When does Marius receive the most information about what happened to the old vampire in the tree?

8. In Alexandria, what does Marius learn about the beginnings of vampires and what happened to turn them all black and charred?

9. What special privilege is given Marius as he prepares to remove the ancient vampires?

10. Where does Marius begin the story of his life as he relates it to Lestat?

(see the answer keys)

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