The Vampire Lestat Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Vampire Lestat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When a riot breaks out, what appears to be happening to vampires who want to harm Lestat?
(a) The appear to be exploding into flames.
(b) They grow stronger and nearly overtake Lestat.
(c) They change into bats and fly away.
(d) They start killing as many mortals as possible.

2. How does Lestat sleep one night after terrorizing a mortal in his home?
(a) In a mosque.
(b) Buried in the earth.
(c) Under the house.
(d) In a mummy case.

3. After drinking the blood from the burnt vampire, what does Marius feed on?
(a) The blood of children the Druids believe is pure.
(b) The blood of Mael.
(c) The blood of criminals the Druids bring him.
(d) The blood of sheep the Durids sacrifice.

4. Where does Marius take Lestat?
(a) To a gold mine.
(b) To his coven.
(c) To the bottom a pyramid.
(d) To his secret home.

5. Reunited, what do Gabrielle, Louis, and Lestat try to figure out?
(a) Where they should go next.
(b) Who was behind the exploding vampires.
(c) Why they were not killed with the others.
(d) What they should do to protect themselves.

6. Why does Lestat stay so long underground?
(a) His need for a long rest.
(b) His fear of Marius.
(c) His lack of motivation to arise.
(d) His sadness over Gabrielle.

7. What does the stranger in the tavern do to Marius?
(a) Invites him to his home.
(b) Knocks him unconscious.
(c) Makes him pay the bar tab.
(d) Gives him a road map.

8. What does Marius learn from drinking Akasha's blood?
(a) How to avoid other vampires.
(b) Her entire history.
(c) Who is trying to kill him.
(d) The way to get out of Egypt.

9. How does Lestat react to Those Who Must Be Kept?
(a) He is intrigued and wants to stay a long time.
(b) He is bored and wants to go hunting.
(c) He is frightened and wants to leave their chapel.
(d) He thinks Marius has lost his mind.

10. At Marius' house, how are the two vampires dressed?
(a) In tuxedos with black satin capes.
(b) In laboratory coats and scrubs.
(c) In proper 18th century clothing.
(d) In Egyptian robes.

11. Who chooses Marius to be the new god?
(a) The tribal council.
(b) The stars.
(c) The old god.
(d) Mael.

12. Why does Lestat have to leave Marius house hurriedly?
(a) Lestat is too strong after drinking Akasha's blood.
(b) Marius banishes him for breaking the rules.
(c) With Enkil riled up, it is not safe for Lestat.
(d) Akasha is enjoying the fight over her.

13. Why does Marius tell Lestat he must leave him?
(a) He cannot stay before he has lived one mortal lifetime.
(b) He must scout out safe places for the Mother and Father.
(c) He is not strong enough to shield his thoughts.
(d) He is in too much danger at Marius' house.

14. Where does Marius take Lestat?
(a) To the top of the mountain.
(b) To his library.
(c) To feast on victims he has caught.
(d) To see Those Who Must Be Kept.

15. What does Marius realize as he looks at the badly burnt god?
(a) That he cannot be mortal.
(b) That he has been a captive too long.
(c) That he had an accident at the sacrifice.
(d) That he has tried to kill himself.

Short Answer Questions

1. When, according to another burnt vampire, were their kind created?

2. Why is Lestat feeling strong after being pulled from the earth?

3. Where does Lestat want to go that Marius has forbidden?

4. After learning Armand's story, what does Lestat want to do?

5. Why does Marius want to get Those Who Must Be Kept away from the Elder who has watched them for centuries?

(see the answer keys)

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