Valentine Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Wetmore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Valentine Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Wetmore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Strickland's defense lawyer ask Mary Rose that she gives a dishonest answer to?
(a) Whether Gloria Ramirez told Mary Rose she had been raped.
(b) Whether Dale Strickland told her he was looking for Gloria.
(c) Whether Dale Strickland had a gun.
(d) Whether Gloria Ramirez knocked on Mary Rose's door.

2. What does Potter say when Corrine says she wants to go back to teaching?
(a) He tells her he fully supports her.
(b) He tells her no.
(c) He tells her she should do it only if she gets a raise first.
(d) He asks who will take care of Alice.

3. Where did Corrine and Potter first have sex?
(a) Corrine's childhood bedroom.
(b) Under the bleachers at the high school.
(c) Corrine's father's truck.
(d) Their first house they bought together.

4. What does the woman at the pool tell Glory about the fact that Glory got in Dale's truck?
(a) She is partially responsible for what happened because of that.
(b) That does not have anything to do with what happened to hear.
(c) She has probably learned her lesson by now.
(d) Girls do stupid things all the time.

5. What does Mary Rose call Strickland's defense lawyer in Part IV while she is on the stand?
(a) A liar.
(b) A piece of shit.
(c) A pimp.
(d) The devil.

6. What kind of storm comes in Part IV?
(a) A tornado.
(b) A hurricane.
(c) A derecho.
(d) A blizzard.

7. Why can Karla not watch Mary Rose's children in Part IV?
(a) She had to work at another job at the last minute.
(b) Her own child has a stomach flu.
(c) She had to leave town quickly.
(d) She is in the hospital with appendicitis.

8. Why is Mary Rose's baby so frantic when she gets to Corrine's house?
(a) He has not eaten all day because she is later than she thought she would be.
(b) Corrine has not changed his diaper.
(c) He has been bitten by a dog.
(d) He has been too hot all afternoon.

9. What tragedies befall the woman in Debra Ann's story to Jesse in Part IV?
(a) Her brother dies in a drowning accident.
(b) Her husband and children die in a blizzard.
(c) Her parents die in a fire.
(d) She has many miscarriages.

10. What is Mary Rose most upset about that Keith Taylor tells her before she testifies at Strickland's trial?
(a) Scooter Clemson paid her not to testify.
(b) Gloria Ramirez decided not to testify.
(c) Taylor told her not to testify.
(d) Taylor told her they would not win this case.

11. What is Corrine's grandmother's name?
(a) Marion.
(b) Olive.
(c) Scarlet.
(d) Viola.

12. Why is Mary Rose crying so hard as the storm approaches?
(a) Out of suspicion.
(b) Out of rage.
(c) Out of sadness.
(d) Out of guilt.

13. Why is Corrine angry with Alice?
(a) Alice married someone Corrine hates.
(b) Alice had a baby and never told Corrine.
(c) Alice has not spoken to Potter in years.
(d) Alice could not come to Potter's funeral due to weather.

14. How many men made it to the woman's door in Debra Ann's story to Jesse?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 10.
(d) 1.

15. What does Debra Ann offer to do for Jesse to get his truck back?
(a) Buy him a plane ticket.
(b) Give him taxi money.
(c) Drive him out to Penwell in Potter's old truck.
(d) Buy him a train ticket.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who watches Mary Rose's children while she testifies at Strickland's trial?

2. What does Suzanne tell Lauralee about men?

3. What happens to Lauralee at practice in Part III?

4. In Part III, what does Debra Ann ask to borrow from Corrine that Corrine tells her stories about?

5. Who takes care of Glory after Alma can no longer do it?

(see the answer keys)

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