V Test | Final Test - Easy

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V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Wijk fear that Abraham Morris will do?
(a) Raid his farm.
(b) Kidnap his friends.
(c) Steal his diamonds.
(d) Destroy his antennas.

2. Who does Rachel want to know is in her apartment?
(a) Pig.
(b) Clinton.
(c) Esther.
(d) Winsome.

3. When Mondaugen was in Africa, what was the project he worked on?
(a) A diamond extraction program.
(b) A project involving atmospheric radio disturbances.
(c) An environmental hazard program.
(d) A secret government operative.

4. What did the ballerina forget to wear that would have prevented the horrible accident that occurred to her?
(a) A lucky medallion.
(b) A safety belt.
(c) A cross.
(d) Pants.

5. During the war, what does Fausto's wife do?
(a) She fights.
(b) She runs away.
(c) She hides.
(d) She nurses the wounded and homeless.

6. Who could not attend the party because of a fight with a partner in Chapter 12?
(a) Profane.
(b) Winsome.
(c) Pig.
(d) Raoul.

7. Who does the dentist introduce Stencil to in Chapter 8?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Bloody Chiclitz.
(c) Mildred.
(d) His wife.

8. What is the name of the expatriate that Mondaugen visits to give news of the war?
(a) Foppl.
(b) Morris.
(c) Profane.
(d) Hood.

9. When Kurt Mondaugen is stopped by a lieutenant in Chapter 9, what does the lieutenant think Mondaugen is up to?
(a) He is spying for the English.
(b) He is kidnapping the president's child.
(c) He is stealing from the governor.
(d) He is planting a bomb.

10. While Esther tries to run to the plane, who gets in a fight at the airport?
(a) Rachel and Slab.
(b) Pig and Benny.
(c) Benny and Paola.
(d) Winsome and Mafia.

11. When the Whole Sick Crew has a party, who does Winsome and Pig Bodine get in a fight over?
(a) Benny.
(b) Pig's drinking.
(c) Mafia.
(d) Winsome's money habits.

12. What does Rachel tell Profane that he must convince Esther to do or not do?
(a) To not have a child.
(b) To not drive.
(c) To not travel with Benny.
(d) To not have an abortion.

13. Who is talking to Rachel in a bar and confesses feelings for Paola in Chapter 10?
(a) Esther.
(b) Pig.
(c) Winsome.
(d) Benny.

14. What kind of closure does Benny have about his previous life in New York City?
(a) A priest confesses him.
(b) He sees Fina who is leaving because her brother found out about her activiities with the gang and he is glad that life is over.
(c) He does not have any and is filled with regret.
(d) All the members are dead.

15. Who acts like a mother towards Esther, concerned about her welfare and her decisions in Chapter 12?
(a) Mafia.
(b) Fina.
(c) Rachel.
(d) Paola.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Profane and a talking machine compare the stack of junk cars at the dump to?

2. What does Winsome fear that Mafia is doing that he tells Rachel?

3. What are the names of the synthetic human machines that Benny watches over?

4. What is the name of Fausto Maijstral's dead wife?

5. Where does Kurt Mondaugen work?

(see the answer keys)

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