V Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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V Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the painting that Gaucho is looking at when he is caught?
(a) The Night Watchman.
(b) The Scream.
(c) Birth of Venus.
(d) The Drinker.

2. What does Paola offer that Fina does not for Profane?
(a) Beauty.
(b) Money.
(c) Brains.
(d) A deeper connection.

3. What are Mantissa, Cesare, and the Gaucho about to do when Mantissa has a change of heart, forcing them all to flee?
(a) Break into the Venezuelan embassy.
(b) Kidnap V.
(c) Shoot the rioters.
(d) Steal the painting of the Birth of Venus.

4. What does Angel find in the clubhouse that makes him furious?
(a) His sister naked on a mattress.
(b) A stash of money.
(c) A dead cat.
(d) Broken dolls.

5. Who does Evan Godolphin go to visit in April 1899?
(a) His father, Captain Hugh.
(b) His friend, Joseph Profane.
(c) His mother, V.
(d) His seaman, Stencil.

6. What does Pig Bodine tell Benny about the couple Pappy Hod and Paolo?
(a) They were fighting.
(b) They were arriving.
(c) They were happy together.
(d) They split.

7. Who is Sir Alistair Wren?
(a) A knighted singer.
(b) A member of English Parliament and father of Victoria Wren.
(c) The British Prime Minister.
(d) A British spy.

8. When Profane stays at Pig's apartment, what does he wake up to see one night?
(a) Pig sitting on his motorcycle in the alley, racing the engine.
(b) A suicide.
(c) An orgy.
(d) A barbecue.

9. Who are the Playboys?
(a) A spy group.
(b) A street gang.
(c) A military cell.
(d) Pin-up models.

10. What happens during "suck hour" at the bar?
(a) Sailors can drink from rubber breasts attached to beer taps.
(b) Everyone gets a lollipop.
(c) Seamen curl up and sleep.
(d) People fight over drinks.

11. What is the name of the pilot who needed facial reconstruction?
(a) Dr. Schoenmaker.
(b) Esther.
(c) Evan Godolphin.
(d) Profane.

12. Who does Rachel see sneaking out of the apartment in her coat?
(a) Esther.
(b) Mafia.
(c) Paola.
(d) Winsome.

13. Who is the world adventurer at the party that Rachel attends?
(a) Derek.
(b) Margaret.
(c) Sloane.
(d) Stencil.

14. Which member of the Whole Sick Crew does Rachel sometimes date?
(a) Mark.
(b) Sloane.
(c) Slab.
(d) Jerry.

15. What did the priest who tried to convert rats to Catholicism in New York City believe?
(a) He believes the rats would one day inherit the earth from humans.
(b) He believes in revenge.
(c) He believes in satire.
(d) He believes in the Anti-Christ.

Short Answer Questions

1. What apparently had Paola done by marrying Pappy Hod?

2. In a cafe in Egypt, what does the waiter P. Aieul hear two Englishmen talk about?

3. Who is the world adventurer looking for?

4. What is the name of the record executive's wife?

5. How does Yusef the anarchist gain access at the consulate party in order to gain information about the British?

(see the answer keys)

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