V Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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V Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the world adventurer at the party that Rachel attends?
(a) Stencil.
(b) Sloane.
(c) Margaret.
(d) Derek.

2. When Benny goes down to the ship's deck to warm up, what does he play with the night watchman?
(a) Chess.
(b) Darts.
(c) Backgammon.
(d) A game of cat and mouse.

3. Where does Stencil link V. to a conspiracy?
(a) Madrid, Spain.
(b) Alexandria, Egypt.
(c) Macchu Picchu, Peru.
(d) Florence, Italy.

4. What does Angel find in the clubhouse that makes him furious?
(a) A dead cat.
(b) Broken dolls.
(c) A stash of money.
(d) His sister naked on a mattress.

5. Who calls Benny's name on the loudspeaker at the bus station?
(a) Paola.
(b) Pig.
(c) Mary.
(d) Rachel.

6. When Captain Hugh leaves Victoria's room, who does he see in a florist shop outside?
(a) Profane.
(b) Signor Mantissa.
(c) Gaucho.
(d) Victoria.

7. Who is Esther's lover?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Harriet.
(c) Benny.
(d) Dr. Schoenmaker.

8. Who does the Whole Sick Crew listen to at a jazz bar in Chapter 2?
(a) Rachel Owglass.
(b) Paola Mijstral.
(c) Dr. Schoenmaker.
(d) McClintic Sphere.

9. Who are the members of the Whole Sick Crew?
(a) Sloane, Slab, Benny, and Rachel.
(b) Benny, Joon, Rachel, and Paola.
(c) Slab, Raoul, Melvin, Winsome, Charisma, and Fu.
(d) Pig, Benny, Rachel, Mrs. Boor.

10. Who is Mildred?
(a) Victoria's nemesis.
(b) Victoria's aunt.
(c) Victoria's mother.
(d) Victoria's sister.

11. Why does Profane leave Angel and the rest of the crew?
(a) He is scared of them.
(b) He is angry.
(c) He is bored.
(d) Without work, he feels there is no longer a reason to stay with them.

12. What is the name of Angel's friend who works with him?
(a) Pablo.
(b) Fina.
(c) Geronimo.
(d) Tolito.

13. In a cafe in Egypt, what does the waiter P. Aieul hear two Englishmen talk about?
(a) A party at the consulate that night.
(b) A coming thunderstorm.
(c) A dance they do not want to miss.
(d) A war.

14. By his apparent lack of interest in other women, what does Profane reveal?
(a) His homosexuality.
(b) His devotion to Rachel.
(c) His solitary nature.
(d) His alcoholism.

15. What does Pig Bodine tell Benny about the couple Pappy Hod and Paolo?
(a) They were happy together.
(b) They were fighting.
(c) They were arriving.
(d) They split.

Short Answer Questions

1. What collapses on Evan as he tries to leave the building?

2. What does the dentist show Stencil?

3. What are the two men planning to do that a third man called Gaucho disagrees with?

4. With whom does Benny attend a New Year's party on a boat?

5. What is the name of the rat that the priest describes in his journal as wanting to be a sister?

(see the answer keys)

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