V For Vendetta Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

V For Vendetta Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Near the end of the story, what character finds himself in senior authority?
(a) Creedy.
(b) Finch.
(c) Conrad.
(d) Dominic.

2. When Dominic reads the love letters found on the street, what does he realize?
(a) V is going to attack him.
(b) V is leaving him clues.
(c) V knows the system.
(d) Mr. Finch is somehow involved.

3. Who kills Creedy?
(a) Helen.
(b) Harper.
(c) Evey.
(d) Conrad.

4. What does V say is his goal for Evey?
(a) To make her his partner.
(b) To pass his knowledge to her.
(c) To train her to kill.
(d) To free Evey of emotion.

5. At the parade, why do the guards let Rosemary through to the Leader?
(a) She pushes past them.
(b) She threatens them.
(c) She has high status.
(d) She begs them to.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Finch see the vision of Delia doing to the priest?

2. What does the child give to the Leader?

3. According to V, what room did the woman who wrote the letter occupy at Larkhill?

4. How does Evey say she felt about being willing to die for her principles?

5. What kind of flowers are in the train car?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Adam Susan ask the computer in the Book Three Prologue, and why is this significant?

2. What does Rosemary try to buy, and why might she need this?

3. In the last chapter, how does Helen Heyer attempt to get Finch to help her, and why do you think he refuses?

4. How does Evey's attitude toward V change the day after she leaves prison?

5. What does V say in his radio broadcast?

6. How does Helen react when she sees Conrad injured, and what does this say about her as a character?

7. What does Rosemary imagine as she dances on stage, and why is this important?

8. What do you think V means when he says that he reveals his will to Evey?

9. What does V call his "mistress" and why?

10. Near the end of the story, what does V reveal to be his main motivation?

(see the answer keys)

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