Up from Slavery Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up from Slavery Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Last Words.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author states that those earning seventy-five or a hundred dollars a month were:
(a) Often in debt by the end of the month.
(b) Expected to pay higher taxes.
(c) Regularly asked for monetary help by those earning less.
(d) Considered wealthy.

2. When Booker wants a cap in order to fit in at his school, what does his mother do?
(a) Makes him a cap out of scrap denim.
(b) Buys less food to save money for a cap.
(c) Tells him to get a second job so he can afford to buy a cap.
(d) Sells her ring to buy him a cap.

3. When Booker decides to go to Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia, how does his community help him?
(a) Giving him small donations.
(b) Writing letters of recommendation.
(c) Offering transportation.
(d) Buying him a few school supplies.

4. When Booker speaks of the Christmas season, what is his complaint?
(a) People have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas.
(b) Churches must shorten their Christmas services.
(c) Stores sell too many unnecessary items.
(d) People give each other useless trinkets.

5. During his big speech in 1895, what does Booker focus on?
(a) The economic state of the nation's educational system.
(b) The need for blacks and whites to work together.
(c) The people's responsibility towards future generations.
(d) The need for good teachers to train the next generation.

Short Answer Questions

1. During the winter months, Mrs. Ruffner allows Booker to spend an hour a day doing what?

2. While living with his stepfather, young Booker works:

3. How long does it take Booker's school to raise enough money to pay off debt?

4. During his travels, what does Booker like to do on the train rides?

5. When Booker is hired as a waiter at a classy restaurant, who chastises him, and why?

(see the answer key)

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