Up a Road Slowly Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up a Road Slowly Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the little school where Cordelia teaches being closed?
(a) Because Cordelia wants to retire.
(b) There is not enough space for all the children.
(c) The building is not up to code.
(d) So that the country children can have the benefit of an education in a city school.

2. What makes Julie start thinking of staying with Aunt Cordelia?
(a) Because Julie will miss her friends too much.
(b) Because Laura's room is no longer available.
(c) Because Aunt Cordelia seems so sad.
(d) Because Uncle Haskell seems so sad.

3. What discovery appalls Julie?
(a) To learn that Alicia has converted the room Julie wants into an office.
(b) That her dad plans to have more children with Alicia.
(c) That Aunt Cordelia is secretly seeing Jonathan.
(d) That Uncle Haskell has married a Mexican woman.

4. What happens to Julie's feelings towards Alicia eventually?
(a) She becomes more hostile.
(b) She becomes competitive for her father's attention with Alicia.
(c) She warms to her and enjoys her company.
(d) She remains indifferent.

5. What does not come about as Jonathan had hoped?
(a) That Katy would divorce him.
(b) Living in the country does not have the peaceful influence on Katy.
(c) That Katy would resume her music.
(d) That Katy and Cordelia would become good friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does Julie turn for advice on her new hobby?

2. What convinces Julie to stay at Aunt Cordelia's?

3. What amazes Jonathan about Katy and Haskell?

4. Why does Jonathan sometimes call Haskell to his home?

5. Where is one of Julie's stories published?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jonathan do in the small town where Aunt Cordelia lives and what do the townspeople think?

2. What does Brett do in English class and how is Julie involved?

3. What does Julie's family do about Julie's sadness?

4. How does Katy's story end?

5. How does Julie handle being hurt by what she thinks is Aunt Cordelia's rejection?

6. What does Carlotta think of Julie's decision to live with Aunt Cordelia through high school?

7. What does Julie hear about her and being raised by Aunt Cordelia?

8. What does Julie think about moving back in with her father?

9. What event mars some of Julie's joy at success?

10. How is Julie's hobby successful and how do they celebrate? What does Uncle Haskell do?

(see the answer keys)

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