Up a Road Slowly Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up a Road Slowly Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Julie feel close to her mother again?
(a) When she prays at night.
(b) When her sister and father come to visit.
(c) When her uncle takes her around to see places her mother loved.
(d) When she and her aunt look at photo albums.

2. What is the aunt's occupation?
(a) A beautician.
(b) A schoolteacher.
(c) A store clerk.
(d) She is unemployed.

3. Of what is Julie not convinced?
(a) That Laura is really that uncomfortable in her pregnancy.
(b) That Bill loves Laura as much as Julie does.
(c) That she still has a prominent place in Laura's life.
(d) That Bill really cares what Julie thinks.

4. How does Julie feel towards her aunt?
(a) Awed.
(b) Loved and loving.
(c) Fearful.
(d) Insecure.

5. Where do Julie and Carlotta take some gladiolas?
(a) To their secret meeting place.
(b) To the cemetary to put on Julie's mother's grave.
(c) To Aggie's house.
(d) To the church.

Short Answer Questions

1. About what does Julie talk to Uncle Haskell?

2. What enlivens Mrs. Eltwing?

3. How does Uncle Haskell excuse himself from the guests?

4. What is one of Aunt Cordelia's greatest challenges as a schoolteacher?

5. Who starts taking a special interest in Julie?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Julie and Aggie's relationship the rest of the school year and what happens in the summer that bothers Julie?

2. Where does Julie go and what does she do after she is chastised by Aunt Cordelia over hitting Danny?

3. What happens to Julie when Laura takes her to her room?

4. Where does Julie end up on her first day at her aunt's house and what does her aunt do?

5. What does Julie learn about Jonathan from Laura?

6. Why does Julie envy Laura but what does Laura feel that Julie cannot understand?

7. What happens when Julie visits Laura and Bill and what does Bill tell her?

8. How does Uncle Haskell help Julie with her loneliness after Chris leaves?

9. Why is Aunt Cordelia upset with Julie's invitations and what does Julie do?

10. What does Jonathan say about Julie and how does she feel about it?

(see the answer keys)

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