Up a Road Slowly Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up a Road Slowly Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Julie start thinking of staying with Aunt Cordelia?
(a) Because Aunt Cordelia seems so sad.
(b) Because Uncle Haskell seems so sad.
(c) Because Laura's room is no longer available.
(d) Because Julie will miss her friends too much.

2. Where do Jonathan and Katy Eltwing move?
(a) Into a farm adjacent to Aunt Cordelia's farm.
(b) To a town about five miles from Aunt Cordelia's town.
(c) Into a house about three miles from Aunt Cordelia's house.
(d) To the city nearby.

3. About what is Julie wondering?
(a) About what will happen to her pony.
(b) About whether she will go to boarding school.
(c) About how Aunt Cordelia will manage the housework without her.
(d) About her move back home.

4. What is Brett upset about in English class?
(a) An assignment to memorize some poetry.
(b) That Julie speaks to another boy.
(c) An assignment to work in class.
(d) An assignment on Civil Disobedience.

5. What does Brett do when he and Julie are done talking?
(a) Tries to coerce her into walking in the woods with him.
(b) Tells her he understands.
(c) Slaps her in anger.
(d) Leaves immediately.

6. About whom are rumors being said?
(a) Brett and Aimlee.
(b) Carlota and Jimmy.
(c) Carolota and Brandon.
(d) Brett and Carlotta.

7. How is Katy's declining health exacerbated?
(a) By her refusal to get out of bed.
(b) By her hysterical outbursts.
(c) By the medicine that supposedly is helping her.
(d) By her refusal to eat.

8. Why is the driver irritated with Julie?
(a) She didn't tell him she was staying after school.
(b) He was afraid for her to walk home alone.
(c) He has heard some mean rumors about her and Brett.
(d) She won't speak to him.

9. With whom does Julie begin spending more time?
(a) Her father.
(b) Laura.
(c) Joseph.
(d) Danny.

10. To whom does Julie defend her relationship with Brett?
(a) Her brother Chris.
(b) No one.
(c) The other girls.
(d) Her father, aunt, and Alicia.

11. What does Aunt Cordelia share with Julie?
(a) Some of the sorrows from the childhood she shared with Uncle Haskell.
(b) A bottle of wine to celebrate Uncle Haskell's life.
(c) Why Uncle Haskell never marries.
(d) Some of Uncle Haskell's childhood writings.

12. Who discovers they are in love?
(a) Brett and Julie.
(b) Danny and Eden.
(c) Cordelia and Matthew.
(d) Julie and Danny.

13. What does Haskell play for Katy?
(a) Some halting songs on the piano which Katy can no longer play.
(b) Some classical recordings.
(c) A phonograph.
(d) An old guitar.

14. What does Jonathan do on many evenings?
(a) Seeks out the comfort of Aunt Cordelia's big house as a retreat from the stress of his own life.
(b) Works late to avoid his wife.
(c) Has a few drinks with Haskell.
(d) Goes to talk to the priest about his wife.

15. What does Aunt Cordelia say about Julie and Uncle Haskell?
(a) That he is old and ready to go.
(b) That New York would be too far for the family to care for him.
(c) That Julie must face reality about him eventually.
(d) It is good for Uncle Haskell to have some purpose at this point in his life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What advice does Danny offer Julie?

2. Who does Brett begin to date?

3. Why does Jonathan sometimes call Haskell to his home?

4. Why does Brett come over later that night?

5. What coincides with Julie's last year of elementary school?

(see the answer keys)

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