Up a Road Slowly Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Up a Road Slowly Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Brett come over later that night?
(a) To get a free dinner.
(b) For help with his homework.
(c) To walk with Julie in the woods.
(d) To apologize for his behavior in English class.

2. What does Katy seem to find soothing?
(a) The calm demeanor of Uncle Haskell.
(b) Going to the church and praying for hours a day.
(c) Julie has not met Katy again since the first dinner.
(d) Her husband's voice telling her everything is alright.

3. To whom does Julie defend her relationship with Brett?
(a) The other girls.
(b) Her brother Chris.
(c) Her father, aunt, and Alicia.
(d) No one.

4. Why does Uncle Haskell call Julie down from upstairs one evening?
(a) To help him bury some more bottles.
(b) To help him with Katy who he finds wandering in the woods.
(c) To finish the dishes she had left in the sink.
(d) To sing a song he's been trying to remember.

5. How can those around her tell Julie is feeling better?
(a) She asks Aunt Cordelia for money for a couple new dresses.
(b) She goes out on a date with a guy named Joseph.
(c) She has a big breakfast and does a lot of housework.
(d) She is singing in the shower.

6. What coincides with Julie's last year of elementary school?
(a) Uncle Haskell's death.
(b) Aunt Cordelia's last year of teaching.
(c) Laura's third daughter is born.
(d) Julie's move back home.

7. With whom does Julie begin spending more time?
(a) Joseph.
(b) Her father.
(c) Laura.
(d) Danny.

8. Who does Brett begin to date?
(a) Misty.
(b) Deborah.
(c) No one; he continues to try to get Julie to get back with him.
(d) Carlotta.

9. What does Haskell do for Katy's funeral instead of attending the service?
(a) Gets drunk.
(b) Reads poetry in the words.
(c) Plays two songs over and over on the piano.
(d) Stays in bed.

10. Who discovers they are in love?
(a) Brett and Julie.
(b) Julie and Danny.
(c) Cordelia and Matthew.
(d) Danny and Eden.

11. Who else comes for a summer visit?
(a) Alicia and Julie's dad.
(b) Laura, Bill, and little Julie.
(c) Carlotta.
(d) Julie's other aunt.

12. Where is Uncle Haskell's body found?
(a) In his bed in the carriage house.
(b) Slumped over in a church pew.
(c) In the water near the old creek bridge.
(d) In his truck.

13. How does Julie's luck change with the guys?
(a) She meets a boy named Brett Kingsman who enrolls in school when his father is transferred to town.
(b) She becomes a cheerleader.
(c) The proverbial "boy next door" comes home from boarding school.
(d) Her brother Chris starts attending the high school and introduces her to guys.

14. How does the family feel about Julie's success as a writer?
(a) They tell her not to let it go to her head.
(b) The entire family supports her efforts and celebrates with her.
(c) They are happy for her but think she is wasting her time.
(d) They say that she'll never make a living as a writer.

15. What reason does Cordelia give for declining a teaching position in the school where the children will be going?
(a) She wants to return to fulltime farming.
(b) She has to stay and care for her ill aunts.
(c) She is too set in her ways to adapt to the rules of a new school system.
(d) She was planning to retire that year anyway.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Julie's feelings towards Alicia eventually?

2. What does Brett do when he and Julie are done talking?

3. Who arrives at Cordelia's house to find Katy there?

4. Where do Jonathan and Katy Eltwing move?

5. What were the college guys more interested in than in Julie?

(see the answer keys)

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