Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Claus reject the idea of arguing that Sunny committed suicide?
(a) He didn't want to hurt her image.
(b) He didn't believe she would commit suicide.
(c) He thought his family would be angry.
(d) He thought her family would be angry.

2. What is Attica?
(a) A detention center for wayward youth.
(b) A maximum security men's prison.
(c) A daycare.
(d) A maximum security women's prison.

3. What was Baden's listed cause of death for Daphne Mellon?
(a) Strangulation.
(b) Gunshot wound.
(c) Drug overdose.
(d) Blunt force trauma.

4. What is Baden's criticism against the doctors who saw Tinning's nine dead children?
(a) That they were inefficient.
(b) That they didn't show enough sympathy.
(c) That they could have saved the children.
(d) That they didn't want to suspect murder.

5. How did Jerald Sklar claim Catherine Fried had killed her husband?
(a) By poisoning him.
(b) By stabbing him.
(c) By strangling him with a telephone cord.
(d) By sitting on a pillow over his face.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Baden say MEs fear SIDS organizations when they investigate a child's death?

2. Which organ is particularly important for detecting poison?

3. What was the first indicator that the Tinning children did not die from bad genes?

4. Why were MEs suspicious of the number of SIDS deaths?

5. Why did the urine in Belushi's bladder help police?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe why a body in the desert mummifies, and why a body in the Arctic stays bacteria free.

2. Describe how Barry Schwartz and Kenneth Hess were killed by the other inmates.

3. How did Baden know Paul Fried had not committed suicide?

4. Explain how Baden used the digestive system to determine time of death in the Hendricks case.

5. Why did Jerald Sklar confess to police his knowledge and his crimes, and what was the result?

6. Describe the potassium eye fluid test.

7. Explain why, from the beginning, Baden believed the police had the wrong time of death for Gail Morris.

8. Explain how Baden knew the hostages were killed by the guards.

9. Explain how Carl Cappolino killed William E. Farber.

10. Explain how and why Jascalevich killed the patients of other doctors.

(see the answer keys)

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