Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the funeral director miss when preparing the body for funeral?
(a) The bruises on his ribs.
(b) A gunshot wound in the back.
(c) A stab wound in the neck.
(d) The bruises on his neck.

2. How did the ME know Masgay had been frozen?
(a) He found ice crystals in the tissue.
(b) There was frostbite on the toes.
(c) His eyeballs had burst.
(d) His nose was still frozen.

3. What is unique about killer Joseph Christopher?
(a) He is a white man killing black women.
(b) He is a transvestite killing gays.
(c) He is black, killing blacks.
(d) He does not fit a serial killer image.

4. How did Baden determine true time of death?
(a) Livor mortis.
(b) Algor mortis.
(c) Rigor mortis.
(d) Potassium eye fluid test.

5. What did Travis and Peters do to cover up the crime?
(a) They fed the body to pigs.
(b) They dismembered the body.
(c) They burned down the house.
(d) They hid the body.

6. What did Fried's three daughters not believe?
(a) That he fell from a ladder.
(b) That he died of a gunshot wound.
(c) That he drown.
(d) That his death was a suicide.

7. What did Mario Jascalevich claim to be doing with curare?
(a) Dosing himself.
(b) Stealing it to sell.
(c) Testing on dogs.
(d) Treating patients outside the hospital.

8. Who watched the autopsy of Jaroslawicz?
(a) A district attorney.
(b) A pediatrician who was also a rabbi.
(c) A local priest.
(d) Another ME.

9. Why does Baden say MEs fear SIDS organizations when they investigate a child's death?
(a) SIDS organizations discourage investigations, since they can cause mental anguish to grieving parents.
(b) SIDS organizations try to have MEs fired.
(c) SIDS organizations try to convince parents not to allow autopsy.
(d) SIDS organizations threaten to sue the ME.

10. What does Baden mention that can slow digestion by almost an hour?
(a) Exercise and emotional state.
(b) Eating certain foods.
(c) Drinking alcohol.
(d) Drinking vast quantities of water.

11. What happened to Riverdell Hospital?
(a) It was closed by the government.
(b) It was burned down.
(c) It closed for lack of patients.
(d) It was demolished in a tornado.

12. What does Baden claim in the cause of failure for the ME system?
(a) A lack of budget.
(b) A lack on interest.
(c) A lack of proper equipment.
(d) Untrained MEs and political pressure.

13. What was Baden's listed cause of death for Daphne Mellon?
(a) Gunshot wound.
(b) Drug overdose.
(c) Blunt force trauma.
(d) Strangulation.

14. What caused the riot?
(a) Privileges were taken away from a prisoner.
(b) The prisoners were being starved.
(c) A guard was killed.
(d) A prisoner was killed.

15. Who led the state police in the raid?
(a) Hank Williams.
(b) William Quinn.
(c) Frank Smith.
(d) Roger Champen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Sunny von Bulow hospitalized the second time?

2. Why did Claus reject the idea of arguing that Sunny committed suicide?

3. What did Catherine steal while Paul was in the hospital?

4. What was the original cause of death listed on Daphne Mellon's death certificate?

5. What leads investigators to ask for Baden's assistance with Dr. Brown's murder?

(see the answer keys)

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