Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Baden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long did it take Baden's wrongful dismissal suit to go to trial?
(a) One year.
(b) Two years.
(c) Three years.
(d) Five years.

2. What did medical examiners have to decide between as a cause of death for Elvis?
(a) Drugs or gonorrhea.
(b) Cancer or heart disease,
(c) Heart disease or drugs.
(d) Cancer or drugs.

3. How did Furue claim he matched the bones to the missing person list?
(a) By finding scarring to match old Xrays.
(b) By examining the bones to determine height, weight, and age.
(c) By examining the bones to determine ethnicity.
(d) By locating implants.

4. Who created Four Stages of Cruelty?
(a) George Harlington.
(b) Samuell Yeoungman.
(c) Janet Robinson.
(d) William Hogarth.

5. What does Baden note is the desire of the DAs office in terms of the ME?
(a) The DA wants the ME to answer to political pressure.
(b) The DA wants the ME to bend findings to meet his or her needs.
(c) The DA wants the ME to be completely truthful.
(d) The DA wants the ME to lie.

6. Why does Baden believe Levine was convicted at all costs?
(a) The DA wanted a conviction to serve justice.
(b) The DA wanted a conviction to spare the family.
(c) Morgenthau's office had previously lost evidence, which allowed him to be set free.
(d) The ME wanted a raise.

7. What does Baden note his profession was believed to be?
(a) A place for the elite in the field of medicine.
(b) A dumping ground for those who couldn't finish medical school.
(c) A place for only the most intelligent.
(d) A dumping ground for incompetents.

8. What does Baden learn after noting $40 on the body of a dead man in an apartment?
(a) Often, the victim has no valuables.
(b) Often, family reports stolen jewelry.
(c) Often, things are stolen from dead bodies.
(d) Often, police overlook such things.

9. Why did Baden not do an autopsy on Nelson Rockefeller?
(a) He didn't want to cause controversy.
(b) He didn't want to get involved.
(c) He was given a death certificate by his own physician.
(d) He didn't want to report a suicide.

10. What does Baden note about the FBI photographer at the scene of the autopsy?
(a) His camera was insufficient for the job.
(b) He was overqualified.
(c) He had never done autopsy photos.
(d) He did not have clearance.

11. What did William Hare and William Burke do to obtain bodies to sell?
(a) Find bodies during war.
(b) Steal bodies from mortuaries.
(c) Murder people.
(d) Steal bodies from hospitals.

12. What does Baden find caused the death of the woman at the fund raising dinner?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Drug abuse.
(c) Choking.
(d) Heart attack.

13. What is rigor mortis?
(a) A method to determine time of death that uses body temperature.
(b) A method to determine time of death that uses body decomposition.
(c) A method to determine time of death that uses body stiffness.
(d) A method to determine time of death that uses body color.

14. What group was set up in 1977 to help explain the Kennedy assassination?
(a) The Board of Presidential Death.
(b) The CIA.
(c) The Select Committee on Assassinations.
(d) The Federal Investigative Bureau.

15. In Chapter Two, what actually caused the death of the man being autopsied in fear of small pox?
(a) Mumps.
(b) Chicken pox.
(c) Measles.
(d) Cancer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the first medical examiner of New York City?

2. What does Baden believe is the end goal of the DA?

3. What happened to the status of a coroner over time?

4. What disease does Humes purposefully leave out of the notes of the autopsy?

5. What was the end result of Baden's case?

(see the answer keys)

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