Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Gandalf meet that tells Galdalf they wish to kill Smaug?
(a) Bilbo Baggins
(b) Thorin Oakenshield
(c) Frodo
(d) Saruman

2. Where does Cirion declare will be the meeting place?
(a) The Shire
(b) Amon Anwar
(c) Halifirien
(d) Gondor

3. Who did Eorl take counsel with to decide if he was going to come to Gondor's aid?
(a) His father
(b) His most loyal advisor
(c) His son
(d) Himself

4. What is said of the Elessar that Enderhil creates?
(a) It heals and makes things appear whole again
(b) It is fragil
(c) It brings your true love
(d) It brings good fortune and healing powers

5. What does Amroth see that causes him to jump over the side of the ship?
(a) The one ring
(b) Sauron
(c) Nimrodel
(d) Frodo

6. What does Gandalf agree to in order that the hobbit is able to accompany the dwarfs?
(a) Gandalf goes along also
(b) Gandalf gives them magical items
(c) Gandalf cooks them a hearty meal
(d) Gandalf reads their futures

7. Where does Saruman decide to visit because of Gandalf's interest in the place?
(a) Rohan
(b) Gondor
(c) The Shire
(d) Moria

8. What craft do the Drugs possess that they are well known for?
(a) Carving in wood and stone
(b) Metal working
(c) Singing ballads
(d) Fighting and fencing

9. Who comes to the aid of Gondor when the Wainriders attacks?
(a) The Shire
(b) Mordor
(c) Gandolf
(d) The Northmen

10. What does Gandalf have that convinces the dwarfs of his sincerity?
(a) A map and a key
(b) An apple
(c) A blade made by a dwarf
(d) A piece of jewlery made by an ancient dwarf

11. Who is it that breaks the tradition of Amon Anwar that Isildur began?
(a) Cirion and Eorl
(b) Isildur's son
(c) Frodo
(d) Elendil

12. What happens when Eorl and his troops begin their journey that frightens them for a moment?
(a) They are covered in a white mist
(b) They hear strange noises
(c) They hear the enemy
(d) They are covered in locust

13. What is Enerdhil's trade?
(a) Jewel smith
(b) Painter
(c) Dancer
(d) Stone carver

14. What location are the Nazgul searching for that is secret to them and to Sauron where the person who has the one ring comes from?
(a) Rohan
(b) Moria
(c) The Shire
(d) Gondor

15. What does Elendur beg his father to do when they are surrounded by the enemy?
(a) Swallow the ring
(b) Put the ring on and escape
(c) Give the ring to the enemy
(d) Throw the ring away

Short Answer Questions

1. What was it that appeared that caused Nimrodel to agree to leave and marry Amroth?

2. What did the Istari resemble?

3. What happens if a carving that a Drug creates is injured?

4. With what race do the Drugs live with?

5. What does the king share with his heir at Amon Anwar?

(see the answer keys)

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