Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Celebrimbor when he stands up to Sauron?
(a) He is tortured and killed
(b) He is turned into an orc
(c) He is shaved bald
(d) He is taken prisoner

2. What occurrence makes Meneldur decide it is time for Aldarion to take the throne?
(a) Meneldur takes ill
(b) Aldarion turns 21
(c) a fued at court
(d) a possible war

3. What does Turin do to show he places his family and his past actions behind him?
(a) Throws away all his possessions
(b) Shaves his head
(c) Cuts out one of his eyes
(d) Changes his name

4. What happens to Turin because of Saeros' death?
(a) Turin is banished
(b) Turin has to wed Saeros' ugly sister
(c) Turin must pay a compensation to Saeros' family
(d) Turin is sentenced to death

5. What reason does Brandir give Niniel to refuse Turambar's marriage proposal?
(a) Turambar's love for war
(b) Turambar's lack of courage
(c) Turambar's other wives
(d) Turambar's lowly station in life

6. Where does Aldarion desire more than being king?
(a) Riding horses
(b) Being at sea
(c) Watching the night sky
(d) Chasing the women

7. How did Brandir hope to keep the orcs from attacking his village?
(a) Secrecy and Silence
(b) Building their home high in the trees
(c) Magic
(d) Planting traps near the village

8. What captures Meneldur's desire more than ruling his people?
(a) The sea
(b) Combat
(c) Dancing
(d) The stars

9. What is done with the Three rings?
(a) Burried in a secret place
(b) Thrown into the volcano
(c) Given to the elves
(d) Given to Hobbits

10. Who does Turin find that convinces him that it was Nienor that he had married?
(a) Morwen
(b) Sauron
(c) Mablung
(d) Thingol

11. How do people travel on Numenor?
(a) Boat
(b) Walk
(c) Horseback
(d) Carriage

12. What do the people of Brandir do with the dragon's body?
(a) Burn it
(b) Stuff it
(c) Bury it
(d) Ban the area where it lies

13. What happens when Beleg finds the outlaws that Turin is riding with?
(a) Beleg is captured
(b) Beleg is dressed up like a girl
(c) Beleg is cooked
(d) Beleg is killed

14. Why does Saeros dislike Turin and torment him?
(a) Turin dishonored Saeros
(b) Saeros believes Turin cheated in a game
(c) Turin is a human
(d) Turin sucks his thumb

15. Rain is found wondering the woods by whom?
(a) Halflings
(b) Grey-Elves
(c) Santa's Elves
(d) Easterlings

Short Answer Questions

1. After Tuor escapes what does he want to go and find?

2. What does Turin do to Brandir upon hearing that Niniel was Nienor and has killed herself?

3. What does Turin find has become of the people in his home of Dorlomin when he returns to look for his mother and sister?

4. What does Morwen send with the messengers that Thingol later sends to fetch her and her new daughter?

5. When Turin saves the men of Brethil from the orcs what does he tell them his trade is?

(see the answer keys)

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