Undocumented Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dan-el Padilla Peralta
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Undocumented Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dan-el Padilla Peralta
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is strange about Yando for a long period in his childhood?
(a) He talks very rarely.
(b) He wears only shorts, even in winter.
(c) He never wears shoes.
(d) He eats only yellow food.

2. Where was Peralta born?
(a) Ireland.
(b) USA.
(c) Dominican Republic.
(d) Britain.

3. What day does Peralta's father leave the United States for good?
(a) January 31, 1993.
(b) December 25, 1990.
(c) July 30, 1997.
(d) March 3, 1995.

4. Which fictional character does Peralta idolize in his youth for a time?
(a) Spiderman.
(b) Nicholas Nickleby.
(c) Dr. Strange.
(d) Edmond Dantes.

5. What serious illness does Maria come down with in the homeless shelter?
(a) Dengue.
(b) TB.
(c) Pneumonia.
(d) Yellow Fever.

6. Where is Peralta's first apartment after leaving the homeless shelter with his family?
(a) Bradhurst.
(b) Catherine Street.
(c) Maynard.
(d) Jefferson Street.

7. What is the name of one of Peralta's aunts in New York City?
(a) Altagracia.
(b) Beatrice.
(c) Maria.
(d) Isobel.

8. What impresses Peralta's Sunday school teacher in Part II?
(a) He can recite Bible verses.
(b) He knows the Pope's full name.
(c) His Italian is very good.
(d) He is very good at sports.

9. What do Peralta's Collegiate classmates make fun of him about that makes him very angry?
(a) His not having a father.
(b) His brother.
(c) His dark skin.
(d) His mother's name and ethnicity.

10. Which senator does Peralta begin the book with a quote from?
(a) Senator Hillary Clinton.
(b) Senator Mitt Romney.
(c) Senator Jeff Sessions.
(d) Senator Nancy Pelosi.

11. Where does Peralta live while he attends high school?
(a) The Lower East Side.
(b) The Upper West Side.
(c) Spanish Harlem.
(d) The Lower West Side.

12. What phrase does Maria use to describe the thing she does not want Peralta or Yando to become?
(a) Tiguere.
(b) Bonito.
(c) Yaz.
(d) Maralta.

13. Where does Father Michael take some of the Resurrection kids in Chapter 7?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Paris.
(c) Disney World.
(d) The Grand Canyon.

14. Which train does Peralta take to see his aunts in the Bronx?
(a) A Train.
(b) D Train.
(c) L Train.
(d) C Train.

15. What book does Jeff buy for Peralta for his tenth birthday?
(a) Marshall Landry.
(b) The Complete Sherlock Holmes.
(c) The Unabridged Shakespeare.
(d) The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What illness does Yando develop in Part II?

2. Who does Peralta meet at an arts program who takes Peralta and Yando under his wing?

3. What is Peralta's little brother's name?

4. Who is the Dominican leader Peralta's mother tells him was evil?

5. How much money does Peralta win for his prize in fourth grade?

(see the answer keys)

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