Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Final Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Final Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Kovály describe the atmosphere in Prague by the middle of 1951?
(a) As peaceful and calm.
(b) As having an air of freedom.
(c) As unnerving.
(d) As hostile as it had been during the Nazi occupation.

2. Who suggests to Kovály that her apartment might be bugged?
(a) Mrs. Machova.
(b) Margolius.
(c) Pavel Eisler.
(d) Ruda.

3. What book does Margolius tell Kovály he has read and enjoyed.
(a) Men of Clear Conscience.
(b) The Communist Manifesto.
(c) Animal Farm.
(d) Illusion and Liberty.

4. How do Kovály's neighbors treat her after Margolius' arrest?
(a) With concern.
(b) With indifference.
(c) With hostility.
(d) With pity.

5. What does Margolius beg Kovály to do during their last meeting?
(a) Remarry.
(b) Help his escape.
(c) Forget she ever knew him.
(d) Leave Czechoslovakia.

6. Why do guards stop Kovály at the border when she tries to leave Czechoslovakia?
(a) She is a wanted fugitive.
(b) Her photograph does not resemble her aged face.
(c) No one is allowed to cross the borders.
(d) She does not have the right paperwork.

7. What does Kovály find has happened to Margolius' ashes?
(a) They are buried in a mass grave.
(b) His ashes are spread on an icy roadway.
(c) They are mixed into asphalt to pave a road.
(d) They are dumped into a lake.

8. What happens at the mass meeting Kovály attends in 1967?
(a) Party officials take questions from the attendees.
(b) A riot takes place.
(c) A vote occurs which decides the fate of protestors.
(d) The leader of the Communist Party stops by.

9. After her husband's death, for what does Kovály fear she would be arrested?
(a) For being unemployed.
(b) For plotting Margolius' escape.
(c) For conspiring with him.
(d) For interfering with the investigation of Margolius' crimes.

10. What would one have to do in order to buy anything?
(a) Go to a central city market.
(b) File a request with local authorities.
(c) Wait in long lines.
(d) Order via catalogue.

11. In 1967, public sentiment shifts away from what?
(a) Spending money on rebuilding Prague.
(b) The Communist Party.
(c) Equal rights for women.
(d) Democratic ideals.

12. What does Ivan promise his mother when he finally returns from the country?
(a) To get revenge for what happened to his father.
(b) To rescue her from Prague.
(c) To support her.
(d) To clear his father's name.

13. When Margolias' trial begins, how long has it been since his arrest?
(a) Twelve months.
(b) Three months.
(c) Seven months.
(d) Fifteen months.

14. Where does Kovály have her last meeting with Margolius?
(a) At their apartment.
(b) At a courthouse.
(c) At the Communist Party headquarters.
(d) At a prison.

15. What does Kovály notice is happening to her family in January 1952?
(a) They are growing apart.
(b) They are running out of money.
(c) They are being watched and followed.
(d) They are being gossiped about by neighbors.

Short Answer Questions

1. What anniversary celebration does Kovály and Margolius attend in 1950?

2. Who occupies Czechoslovakia after what is effectively a kidnapping of the new leadership?

3. What happens when family associates and friends hear about Margolius' arrest?

4. Who hides some of Kovály's items in her building's basement?

5. How is Margolius associated with Rudolf Slánský?

(see the answer keys)

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