Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Heda Margolius Kovaly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name does Kovály give her first child?
(a) Adam.
(b) Tomáš.
(c) Jakub.
(d) Ivan.

2. For what does Franta seek forgiveness from Kovály?
(a) For not being able to get her an apartment.
(b) For taking some of her money.
(c) For turning her away when she needs help.
(d) For turning her in to the Gestapo.

3. Following the end of the war, how do the Prague civil authorities handle the return of concentration camp prisoners?
(a) They search public records to identify returnees eligible for free housing.
(b) They build road blocks.
(c) They embrace the return.
(d) They are incapable of dealing with the confusion.

4. What is the apartment like that Kovály is assigned?
(a) Tiny.
(b) Spacious.
(c) Rat-infested.
(d) Smelly.

5. What does Kovály find out about her friends when she returns to Prague?
(a) They are terrified of being seen with her.
(b) They are gone.
(c) They notify the Gestapo of her return.
(d) They pool their money and prepare a place for her to stay.

6. What is the reality of the Russian government?
(a) It rules prosperously.
(b) It rules with terror.
(c) It has no real power.
(d) It rules fairly.

7. In which country is the ghetto that Kovály and her family are taken located?
(a) Germany.
(b) Romania.
(c) Hungary.
(d) Poland.

8. In 1941, who occupies Kovály's home city?
(a) The Soviets.
(b) The Communist Party.
(c) Nazi Germany.
(d) The Americans.

9. What happens to many of the people who return to Prague from the concentration camps?
(a) They are imprisoned.
(b) They are given free housing outside of Prague.
(c) They are returned to their homes.
(d) They are turned to the streets.

10. What group of people does Kovály say many industrialists think comprise the workforces during the war?
(a) Child workers.
(b) Convicted criminals.
(c) The elderly and destitute.
(d) Illegal immigrants.

11. What happens to the people who are staying in Auschwitz as the allied forces advance?
(a) They are relocated via train.
(b) They are released.
(c) They are marched westward.
(d) They are executed.

12. What is clear about Communism in Czechoslovakia by the end of 1949?
(a) It was incorruptable.
(b) It would fail within months.
(c) That is would be no different than it was in Russia.
(d) It was more successful than it was in Russia.

13. What do people begin offering Kovály after Margolius accepts a high-ranking government job?
(a) Employment opportunities.
(b) Bribes.
(c) Favors.
(d) Gifts.

14. Where are the camp inmates staying when Kovály and her acquaintances decide to escape?
(a) A train station.
(b) A farmer's field.
(c) A country inn.
(d) A barn.

15. What supply is said to be scarce and often withheld from the people in the camp?
(a) Coal.
(b) Toilet paper.
(c) Food.
(d) Blankets.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Margolius accept a high-ranking government job?

2. Without work to do, what is said that people do all day?

3. In what year is the ghetto liquidated?

4. To what kind of job does an old friend in the country urge Margolius to turn?

5. Who moves into Kovály's apartment with her?

(see the answer keys)

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