Uncle Vanya Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncle Vanya Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who gets offended when Yelena calls him by the wrong name, though he's at the table with her each day?
(a) Vanya.
(b) Astrov.
(c) Marina.
(d) Telegin.

2. What does the Professor ask Sonya to pass him, after which he says she's given him the wrong stuff?
(a) Book.
(b) Medicine.
(c) Newspaper.
(d) Journal.

3. Who notes that the Professor is fine as she sips her tea after Astrov points out he came to see the Professor?
(a) Maria.
(b) Yelena.
(c) Marina.
(d) Sonya.

4. Astrov talks about whether people of today will be remembered, and Marina says that _______ will remember.
(a) He.
(b) No one.
(c) God.
(d) She.

5. Who does the Professor think actually finds him the most offensive of anyone?
(a) Astrov.
(b) Vanya.
(c) Yelena.
(d) Telegin.

6. Yelena says that she is a minor __________ in her husband's life, as well as feeling that way in her entire life.
(a) Help.
(b) Supporter.
(c) Character.
(d) Love.

7. What does Sonya point out has gone cold on them as they were speaking?
(a) Evening.
(b) Dinner.
(c) Tea.
(d) Fire.

8. ___________ interrupts Astrov's speech by saying that he still uses wood in his outhouses and fireplaces.
(a) Vanya.
(b) Marina.
(c) Yelena.
(d) Sonya.

9. Vanya thinks the Professor writes books about _________ without knowing anything about it.
(a) History.
(b) Math.
(c) Politics.
(d) Art.

10. What is the relationship of Telegin to Sonya during the course of this play?
(a) Godfather.
(b) Uncle.
(c) Spouse.
(d) Father.

11. Who comes in to remind the Professor that he asked to see Astrov?
(a) Marina.
(b) Yelena.
(c) Telegin.
(d) Sonya.

12. Who does Astrov invite to drop in on him at his small estate, and this person says that staying in the trees can not be exciting?
(a) Yelena.
(b) Maria.
(c) Sonya.
(d) The Professor.

13. Astrov returns, now wearing a __________ and a tie when Sonya tells him to have a drink.
(a) Sweater.
(b) Undershirt.
(c) Waistcoat.
(d) Military jacket.

14. Yelena, it is said, married the Professor when he was already _________.
(a) Old.
(b) Bored.
(c) Set in his ways.
(d) Done with love.

15. Who doesn't Sonya want involved in the drunken binges of Astrov?
(a) Yelena.
(b) Maria.
(c) Vanya.
(d) Herself.

Short Answer Questions

1. Astrov talks to Sonya and tells her that he sees his life as a dark ___________.

2. What does Astrov give as his excuse for quickly leaving when Sonya enters the room?

3. A workman enters the scene and asks for _________ as they need him at the factory.

4. What does the Professor wonder aloud as he is waking up and talking to Yelena?

5. The Professors tells Vanya to go, that they used to be ____________ and will talk another time.

(see the answer keys)

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