Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 41, who dies on the Shelby plantation?
(a) Mrs. Shelby.
(b) Mr. Shelby.
(c) Aunt Chloe.
(d) Young Master George.

2. At the slave auction, what does Emmeline do when Legree examined her?
(a) Cry.
(b) Asks him not to touch her.
(c) Pushes him away.
(d) Asks her mother to stop him.

3. Where is Simon Legree's plantation?
(a) On the Red River in Mississippi.
(b) On the Red River in Louisiana.
(c) On the New Orleans River in Lousiana.
(d) On the Mississippi River in Louisiana.

4. What area of his own house does Legree come to believe is haunted?
(a) The cellar.
(b) Cassy's room.
(c) The garret.
(d) The library.

5. Whose funeral takes place at the villa on the lake at the end of Chapter 27?
(a) Uncle Tom's.
(b) Eva's.
(c) Mrs. St. Clare's.
(d) Topsy's.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Eliza continues to travel to Canada, how does she disguise herself?

2. When Cassy and Emmeline hatch a plan to escape from the Legree plantation, how do Cassy and Emmeline disguise themselves?

3. Once Emmeline is at the Legree plantation, what does Emmeline try to convince another woman to do with her?

4. According to Chapter 45, what famous lawyer defended 76 slaves who attempted escape on a schooner named Pearl?

5. When a character tries to convince Tom that he should kill Legree, what is the weapon that the person recommends?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Cassy and Emmeline's "escape" from Legree bittersweet?

2. What does Stowe insist that Northerners do to truly live by their Christian beliefs?

3. Why is Cassy a key character in through whom Stowe explores Simon Legree's temperament and treatment of slaves?

4. How does Miss Ophelia's feelings about "training" Topsy reveal what the problem is for people who attempt to control their servants or slaves with violence?

5. What are the similarities between Aunt Chloe And Mrs. Shelby which are emphasized?

6. How is Tom's death the epitome of selflessness and forgiveness?

7. What happens in Chapter 38 where Tom is left along often that actually foreshadows Tom's death?

8. What event triggers the turning point in Augustine's religious beliefs and who is responsible for his religious education here?

9. As the loose ends of the story are tied up in Chapter 44, what is the purpose of Chapter 45, the final chapter?

10. What is the ironic about Emmeline's being brought up "by the Bible?"

(see the answer keys)

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