Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncle Tom's Cabin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Eliza get married to her current husband?
(a) In a church build especially for weddings between slaves.
(b) On the banks of the Mississippi River.
(c) On the plantation where she worked previously.
(d) On the Shelby plantation.

2. The title of this Chapter 6 is "Discovery." Why is this an appropriate chapter title?
(a) Uncle Tom discovers that he does have the courage to run away.
(b) The Shelbys discover that Eliza and Harry have run away.
(c) Eliza discovers a spare horse and she and Harry take off on horseback.
(d) The Shelbys discover that they cannot live with the idea of selling their slaves and take back the offer.

3. Who is Eva?
(a) A little white girl Tom meets on the riverboat.
(b) A female slave roughly Tom's age whom he meets on the riverboat.
(c) A little black girl Tom meets on the riverboat.
(d) A slave who belongs to the riverboat captain.

4. Who says that he/she "wouldn't give a flip" for politics?
(a) Both.
(b) Neither.
(c) Mrs. Bird.
(d) Mr. Bird.

5. What river are Eliza and Harry headed towards as they begin this journey?
(a) The Mississippi River.
(b) The Ohio River.
(c) The Missouri River.
(d) The Kentucky River.

6. Who is "Mr. Butler?"
(a) George Harris
(b) A U.S. marshal.
(c) A slave trader.
(d) Young Master George.

7. At the end of the Chapter 16, what aspect of work does Tom say he has experience with?
(a) He knows how to plant crops.
(b) He knows how supervise a house staff.
(c) He knows how to take care of horses.
(d) He knows how to cook.

8. When Mr. Haley becomes agitated during their discussion of slave treatment, what does Mr. Shelby try to calm him with?
(a) A hearty breakfast.
(b) Tea and honey.
(c) Whisky.
(d) Tea and cornbread.

9. When Phineas expresses understanding about this thing George possesses, how does Mr. Halliday react?
(a) Halliday is proud of Phineas.
(b) Halliday says he can tell Phineas was not born a Quaker.
(c) Halliday is ashamed of Phineas.
(d) Halliday lets Phineas lecture him.

10. How could the people who go to search for Eliza and Harry be described?
(a) White men who will get paid if they bring them back.
(b) Deputies.
(c) Slaves who are trying NOT to catch Eliza and Harry.
(d) A few nearby friendly plantation owners.

11. Who is Harry?
(a) A child slave on the Haley plantation.
(b) A child slave on the Harris plantation.
(c) A child slave on the Shelby plantation.
(d) A child slave who has run away in search of freedom.

12. What news is it that Rachel has for Eliza?
(a) Her husband has escaped, but was captured by slave catchers and returned to Kentucky.
(b) Her husband made it to Canada.
(c) Her husband has escaped and will join them tonight.
(d) Her husband is dead.

13. What is the first possible solution Mr. Shelby introduces as a possibility for paying Mr. Haley?
(a) Eliza as payment.
(b) Uncle Tom's cabin rent as payment.
(c) Harry as payment.
(d) Uncle Tom as payment.

14. What did Aunt Chloe make for breakfast as "the property" prepares to leave the cabin?
(a) Chicken and corn cake.
(b) Grits and bacon.
(c) Eggs and bacon and ham and grits.
(d) Grits.

15. How does Senator Bird react when his wife objects to the passing of the Fugitive Slave Act?
(a) With astonishment.
(b) With anger.
(c) With understanding and patience.
(d) With pleasure.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Eliza fear for George to travel so far?

2. Who does Mr. Haley get to help him find Eliza and Harry?

3. When does Mrs. Shelby first learn the details about Mr. Haley's visit to the plantation?

4. What does Senator Bird give someone to help support Eliza before he and she parted?

5. To what place does George plan to travel?

(see the answer keys)

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