Uncanny Valley Test | Final Test - Easy

Anna Wiener
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncanny Valley Test | Final Test - Easy

Anna Wiener
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Weiner say was the central value of software?
(a) Efficiency.
(b) Wisdom.
(c) Money.
(d) Design.

2. What new team at the open-source startup did Wiener join in Part IV?
(a) Musical talent.
(b) Terms of Service.
(c) In-house innovators.
(d) Workplace diversity.

3. What is the nickname of the company Wiener's friend worked for that made tools for developers and was widely used?
(a) The Central Library.
(b) The Library of Alexandria.
(c) Greek Knowledge.
(d) Knowledge Depository.

4. Which of the following was a common excuse tech companies used to explain the lack of women in top roles?
(a) The pipeline argument, meaning there was a supposed lack of qualified women to fill the major roles.
(b) The argument that it would be too distracting to have more women in these roles.
(c) The argument that women were too emotional for such roles.
(d) The argument that men were inherently better than women at math and science.

5. What two animals made up the open-source startup's logo?
(a) Cat and octopus.
(b) Bear and bird.
(c) Dove and cat.
(d) Lion and tiger.

6. What did Wiener see a homeless person wearing at the light-rail station in Part IV that gave her a jolt?
(a) Her own headphones that were recently stolen.
(b) A garbage bag to keep the rain off.
(c) A shirt with the name of her high school on it.
(d) One of the open-source startup's company hoodies.

7. What drug did Wiener and Ian take after Wiener's talk with the analytics startup CEO?
(a) Ketamine.
(b) Ecstasy.
(c) Marijuana.
(d) Tylenol.

8. What was an act of defiance Wiener perpetrates in Part III?
(a) She took extra vacation days.
(b) She took a personal day without giving a reason.
(c) She insisted on being paid overtime.
(d) She insisted on working from home.

9. What kind of training did the open-source startup CEO hire a Latina consultant to run for the company?
(a) Meritocracy training.
(b) Diversity and training to address unconscious-bias.
(c) Client relations training.
(d) Coding training.

10. How often did Wiener's support team at the open-source startup meet?
(a) Once per week for an hour.
(b) Three times per week for 45 minutes.
(c) Every day for 30 minutes.
(d) Four times per week for an hour.

11. What insulting and inappropriate comment did the new accounts management person make to Wiener?
(a) He liked smart and sexy women in his office.
(b) He loved dating Jewish women because they were sensual.
(c) He liked her tight clothes.
(d) He thought she was much younger than her age because of her makeup.

12. What symbols did the employees at the open-source startup often use?
(a) Japanese symbols.
(b) Sign-language symbols.
(c) Emojis.
(d) Sanskrit symbols.

13. What was churn, according to Wiener?
(a) Theft.
(b) Customer drop-off.
(c) Employee incompetence.
(d) User incompetence.

14. Where did the word meritocracy originate, according to Wiener?
(a) Wartime England.
(b) Germany.
(c) Social satire.
(d) Shakespearian language.

15. Who did Wiener see at the airport in New York also flying to San Francisco?
(a) The analytics startup CEO.
(b) Noah.
(c) The open-sources startup CEO.
(d) The founders of the e-book startup.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Wiener go to participate in a hack house?

2. What did the billionaire who made his fortune from the microblogging platform tell Wiener in Part III?

3. In terms of women's equality in the office, how did Wiener see herself?

4. In Part IV, what did Weiner compare clocking into work on some days to?

5. What question did the analytics CEO ask Wiener on the occasion of her one-year anniversary with the company?

(see the answer keys)

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