Two for the Dough Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Two for the Dough Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Eight, what type of therapy do Stephanie and her best friend take part in?

2. At Stephanie's Stiva stake-out, what does Kenny ram her vehicle with?

3. What type of guns does Stephanie find in Spiro's apartment?

4. The first morning at her parent's house, what does Stephanie wear on her feet that everyone criticizes?

5. At the start of Chapter Nine, what weapon does Stephanie strap to her belt in case she runs into Kenny?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Morelli help defend Grandma Mazur and Stephanie against Kenny?

2. Why is it frightening when the Sandman is killed and his body mutilated?

3. Although Stephanie takes on many odd jobs to make ends meet, her true passion is as a bounty hunter. How do her other jobs add or subtract to this aspiration?

4. Why does Stephanie's mother complain about Stephanie wearing Doc Marten boots?

5. When Grandma Mazur is attacked, this hurts Stephanie more than if she were attacked. Why?

6. Why does Morelli's past with Stephanie suggest a greater opportunity for a future?

7. Why does Lula break the window when she and Stephanie visit Spiro's apartment?

8. When Stephanie agrees to guard Spiro, it seems she is simply accepting money to do something she finds distasteful. Is this the reason?

9. What has changed about Stephanie's bedroom from the time she lived there in high school? What does this say about how Stephanie's mother views her?

10. Why does Stephanie once again snap back to business with Morelli, in spite of the kiss they shared?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Both Stephanie's Jeep and the Buick are used to compound what is happening in the story. Working with either the Buick or the Jeep, cite several moments from the story where what happens with the vehicles mirror what happens to Stephanie and tell why.

Essay Topic 2

Throughout the novel, guns made a significant appearance. Discuss whether guns were portrayed as good or evil, and in the end, what this might mean in terms of the author's philosophy on firearms.

Part 1) Cite and discuss where guns were portrayed positively in the story and why.

Part 2) Cite and discuss where guns were portrayed negatively in the story and why.

Part 3) Explain Stephanie's relationship to her gun. Why did she keep it in a jar? Why did she rely on her stun gun instead? Was it ironic that Stephanie used a stun gun to go save Grandma Mazur, but it was Grandma Mazur's real gun that saved the day?

Essay Topic 3

Stephanie's apartment is a safe haven that reflects her independent lifestyle. Analyze why the break-in at Stephanie's apartment affected her in the way that it did. Consider the following...

1. What does the apartment symbolize?

2. Why is it important to Stephanie?

3. What was the significance of Stephanie having to leave her apartment to protect her family?

4. Why was it important for her to return to the apartment at the end of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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