Two for the Dough Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Two for the Dough Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Based on the tips Julia has given, Stephanie and Morelli decide that Julia is what?

2. What does Grandma Mazur accidentally dump on the corpse, causing a fight with his widow?

3. What does Grandma Mazur do that shocks the attendees at Moogey's closed casket viewing?

4. What does Stephanie have to remind herself regarding Morelli?

5. Who is the eccentric character who informs Stephanie she carries a gun?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Stephanie's mother want her to have another job?

2. Why is Stephanie occasionally dishonest when seeking answers for her case?

3. Does the fact that the stolen guns are from Fort Braddock mean that Kenny is guilty?

4. Stephanie is often shown consuming what type of food throughout the story?

5. Could Stephanie accomplish what she does if she lived somewhere that was not as close knit?

6. When Stephanie and Morelli bump into each other at the crash, what does it symbolize?

7. There are many examples of irreverence that take place at the funeral home. For example, the group that attends the K and C funeral get rowdy and drunk. How does this device help the story?

8. Why does Stephanie hire a former prostitute to work for Vinnie?

9. What do Stephanie and her Grandmother argue about prior to Moogey's funeral?

10. Why does Stephanie go to the storage unit in Chapter Four?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The author utilizes symbols throughout the story. From each of the following examples, explain what each object symbolizes in Stephanie's life. Explain how each symbol reflects an aspect of Stephanie's life and how it serves the story.

1. The Buick

2. The Sexy Purple Shoes

3. The Gun in the Jar

Essay Topic 2

There were several criminals involved in the many crimes committed throughout the novel: Kenny, the Sandman, Spiro and Moogey. Choose one of these criminals and analyze the different factors that contributed to his downfall.

Essay Topic 3

Throughout the novel, guns made a significant appearance. Discuss whether guns were portrayed as good or evil, and in the end, what this might mean in terms of the author's philosophy on firearms.

Part 1) Cite and discuss where guns were portrayed positively in the story and why.

Part 2) Cite and discuss where guns were portrayed negatively in the story and why.

Part 3) Explain Stephanie's relationship to her gun. Why did she keep it in a jar? Why did she rely on her stun gun instead? Was it ironic that Stephanie used a stun gun to go save Grandma Mazur, but it was Grandma Mazur's real gun that saved the day?

(see the answer keys)

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