Two for the Dough Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Two for the Dough Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What physical affliction bothers Stephanie in Chapter Twelve?
(a) An eye twitch.
(b) Allergies.
(c) Insomnia.
(d) Asthma.

2. What happens when Stephanie tries to go in the window at the Sandman's house?
(a) The fire escape breaks.
(b) An alarm bell sounds.
(c) Dogs attack her.
(d) Stephanie falls and breaks her arm.

3. What is in the package Stephanie receives from her building superintendent?
(a) Spiro's nose.
(b) A finger.
(c) Loosey's genitalia.
(d) Money from gun sales.

4. Who is carrying a gun in Clara's Beauty Salon?
(a) Stephanie.
(b) Morelli.
(c) All of the patrons.
(d) Joyce Barnhart.

5. At the beginning of Chapter Nine, Morelli and Stephanie visit whom with the finger?
(a) Stephanie's grandmother.
(b) Spiro.
(c) A psychic.
(d) The police.

Short Answer Questions

1. After claiming to fear for his life, whom does Spiro hire as a bodyguard?

2. Stephanie brings Grandma Mazur to visit Vinnie because she is certain he is about to do what?

3. In Chapter Eight, where does Stephanie store a certain, severed body part?

4. What is Loosey's body missing at the viewing?

5. Whom does Stephanie call after her jacket pocket discovery?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the type of style the women in the 'Burg aspire to. Does caring about beauty and fashion make them seem oppressed?

2. Stephanie observes that the widow of the fingerless man has never experienced independence and will not know how to handle independence now that her husband has died. How is this different from Stephanie's lifestyle?

3. How does Stephanie physically describe the women in her family and how does this match up with their character?

4. Grandma Mazur buys clothing similar to Stephanie in Chapter Thirteen. Why do you feel she does this?

5. When Stephanie agrees to guard Spiro, it seems she is simply accepting money to do something she finds distasteful. Is this the reason?

6. Kenny's acts of violence start small and then progress into larger, more grotesque actions. Explain the escalation.

7. Why is it ironic that all of the women at the beauty parlor carry guns yet Stephanie does not?

8. Stephanie cannot catch Kenny because she is wearing a sexy pair of high heels. What does this symbolize?

9. In Chapter Thirteen, Stephanie uses Grandma Mazur as a weapon against Vinnie. How does Grandma Mazur use her power over Vinnie to keep Stephanie employed, and what does this say about the power structure in the 'Burg?

10. What has changed about Stephanie's bedroom from the time she lived there in high school? What does this say about how Stephanie's mother views her?

(see the answer keys)

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