Two for the Dough Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Two for the Dough Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What meal does Morelli eat with Stephanie's family at the beginning of Chapter Fourteen?
(a) Dinner.
(b) Breakfast.
(c) Brunch.
(d) Lunch.

2. In what location does Grandma Mazur get attacked?
(a) At the funeral home.
(b) The beauty parlor.
(c) In Grandma's house.
(d) On the sidewalk.

3. After Stephanie drives Spiro home in Chapter Twelve, what part of the funeral home does she insist on investigating?
(a) The attic.
(b) The basement.
(c) The empty caskets.
(d) The closets.

4. Stephanie brings Grandma Mazur to visit Vinnie because she is certain he is about to do what?
(a) Take Stephanie off the Kenny case.
(b) Tell Spiro she's attracted to him.
(c) Fire Lula.
(d) Fine Stephanie for damage to the Jeep.

5. In Chapter Eleven, what happens to Spiro to put him in the hospital?
(a) Spiro gets food poisoning.
(b) Spiro falls down the stairs.
(c) Spiro is attacked.
(d) A casket falls on his foot.

6. At the start of Chapter Nine, what weapon does Stephanie strap to her belt in case she runs into Kenny?
(a) Pepper spray and a stun gun.
(b) A real gun and a stun gun.
(c) A large knife and pepper spray.
(d) A large knife and a small knife.

7. What is code for "serious talk" in Stephanie's family?
(a) "Let's take a walk."
(b) "We have to talk."
(c) "Help in the kitchen."
(d) "Come see this new dress."

8. After claiming to fear for his life, whom does Spiro hire as a bodyguard?
(a) Ranger.
(b) Morelli.
(c) Al from the body shop.
(d) Stephanie.

9. In the funeral parlor basement, where does Kenny reveal that he has stashed his victim?
(a) A refrigerated body drawer.
(b) In a secret room.
(c) In a casket.
(d) Behind the door.

10. Who is grotesquely interested in the contents of the package Stephanie receives from her building superintendent?
(a) Lula.
(b) Mrs. Plum.
(c) Grandma Mazur.
(d) Morelli.

11. At Stephanie's Stiva stake-out, what does Kenny ram her vehicle with?
(a) A school bus.
(b) The Jeep.
(c) A cement truck.
(d) A Suburban.

12. Where does Stephanie get phone numbers from in Spiro's apartment?
(a) Spiro's cell phone.
(b) Spiro's phone bill.
(c) Louie Moon's dry erase board.
(d) The notepad on the counter.

13. After Stephanie and Morelli speak with Cubby about the van, who is the casket-stealing suspect?
(a) The Sandman.
(b) A foreign man no one is familiar with.
(c) Cubby.
(d) Spiro.

14. In Chapter Fourteen, what crime does Spiro beg Kenny not to commit in the funeral parlor basement?
(a) Theft.
(b) Assault.
(c) Murder.
(d) Arson.

15. At the beginning of Chapter 10, what are Lula and Connie fighting about?
(a) Stephanie's vacation request.
(b) Who has the best pizza.
(c) Politics.
(d) How little Lula gets paid.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter Nine, Morelli and Stephanie visit whom with the finger?

2. In Chapter Eleven, what does Spiro hope people will think about him and Stephanie?

3. What is Stephanie waiting for while she snoops around the funeral home in Chapter Eight?

4. What does Spiro ask of Stephanie just after she decided he reminds her of Kenny?

5. After Stephanie points out the suspicious van, whom does Spiro suggest is stealing caskets?

(see the answer keys)

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