Twin Peaks Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twin Peaks Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through October 20, 1985-October 1, 1986.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What knowledge does Laura say BOB has that no one else has?
(a) The ability to truly frighten her.
(b) The ability to truly anger her.
(c) The ability to please her.
(d) The ability to truly excite her.

2. On August 6, 1986, Laura reports that she no longer sleeps at all. What is her reason?
(a) She does not want her mom to find her diary.
(b) She wants to be ready in case her boyfriend comes to her window.
(c) She wants to be ready when BOB comes to her window.
(d) She thinks that bad things only happen in the dark.

3. Where is Laura's favorite hiding place for secret items she does not want her parents to see?
(a) In the fort in the backyard.
(b) In the hollow of her bedpost.
(c) Behind the medicine cabinet in her bathroom.
(d) In the hole in the wall of her closet.

4. When Laura gets together with her first boyfriend who used to tease her when they were younger, who is it?
(a) Johnny.
(b) Jacques.
(c) Bobby.
(d) Leo.

5. What happens to make Laura wonder whether the Log Lady had been telling the fortune of the wrong Laura Palmer when she had predicted happiness for her?
(a) BOB visits her again.
(b) Laura fails a Chemistry exam.
(c) Donna gets mad at Laura and refuses to speak to her.
(d) Laura's mother tells her she cannot attend the Homecoming Dance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Laura says that sometimes her bedroom is the best place in the world, but says it is different other times. What does she say about those other times?

2. What is the main reason during the Christmas vacation of 1985 that Laura is looking forward to school starting again?

3. What does Laura say is the reason she needed her parents in the middle of the night a while back and thus inadvertently saw them having sex?

4. What does Laura vow to stop doing in hopes that it will stop BOB from sexually abusing her?

5. While planning how to avoid further nightmares like her biting dream, Laura vows not to let anyone hurt her anymore. Instead, she vows to do what?

(see the answer key)

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