Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Aronnax notice when Nemo says the name, Avenger?
(a) the sadness in his voice
(b) the anger in his voice
(c) the glee in his voice
(d) the emptiness in his voice

2. How does Nemo attempt to free the Nautilus?
(a) by submerging again
(b) by going in reverse
(c) by spinning it around
(d) by ramming the ice

3. How does Nemo claim the South Pole as his?
(a) He unfurls a black banner with a big "N" on it.
(b) He paints a notice on a large rock.
(c) He builds a monument of rocks.
(d) He writes his name with black rocks.

4. What causes Ned Land great despair?
(a) The Nautilus is near Barbados but Nemo locks down the ship.
(b) Aronnax and Conseil change their minds about escaping.
(c) The Nautilus stays clear of the American coast.
(d) The small boat was lost in the ice.

5. What does Aronnax wonder about Nemo's manuscript?
(a) If it will ever be discovered.
(b) If Nemo had finished it.
(c) If it is in the Sargasso Sea.
(d) If it got put into the water tight container.

6. Why are Conseil, Ned Land, and Aronnax up on the platform?
(a) They are looking for an escape.
(b) The are looking to see what happened.
(c) They are drinking in air.
(d) They are cooling off.

7. What does Nemo say he intends to do?
(a) to race the foreign ship
(b) to attack the foreign ship
(c) to submerge and hide the Nautilus
(d) to spy on the foreign ship

8. If there are 3,000 feet of ice beneath the water line, how much ice is above the line?
(a) 1,000 feet
(b) 3,000 feet
(c) 100 feet
(d) 500 feet

9. What do the kelp and marine life create in the water of the Sargasso?
(a) a poisonous environment
(b) a strange color
(c) a danger to the Nautilus
(d) a mysterious seascape

10. What idea does Captain Nemo come up with to clear the ice?
(a) using salt
(b) using electric charges
(c) using explosives
(d) using boiling water

11. Up on the land, what seems to have been its origin?
(a) volcanoes
(b) landslides
(c) meteors
(d) sediment

12. Where is the Nautilus when Aronnax cannot figure out where they are?
(a) in a deep underwater cave
(b) the center of a lake formed by an inactive volcano
(c) by an uncharted island
(d) under the Rock of Gibraltar

13. What does Nemo say when he finds what he is looking for?
(a) It has moved.
(b) It is here.
(c) I should have known.
(d) There she blows.

14. What worries Aronnax about the next day?
(a) A snowstorm is expected.
(b) They will run out of fuel for fires.
(c) The walruses are headed that way.
(d) It is the equinox.

15. What does Aronnax call the Gulf Stream?
(a) a river within the Atlantic
(b) a joy to behold
(c) an underwater steam bath
(d) a fuel conserving blessing

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Land say escaping at the speed they are traveling would be like?

2. What was the name if the Marseillais changed to?

3. What do sailors take from a dead whale?

4. Where does Aronnax hope they are not heading?

5. What are the sailors doing to replenish their food supply?

(see the answer keys)

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